Chapter 5: A Hangover and an Asshole

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Well, we've completely gone off course, haven't we? :D

Warning: Suggestive Themes, Alcohol, Language

"Ughhh..." Papyrus groaned as he awoke, a headache and malaise greeting him.

Ok, so he might've overdone it a little too much last night. So much that he must've blacked out because he could not remember going to Sans's room last night. Which was where he was currently located.

He groggily scanned the room. Sans wasn't in here apparently—What time was it? He hastily searched for his pocket watch, hoping to god it was still in his jeans pocket. Ew, jeans in bed. Just awful he thought.

Finally locating the watch, he read the time. 7:00 AM on the fucking dot.

If he hadn't been suspended, Undyne would've already come and collected him for duty. His head pulsed at the thought, he could just imagine the lecture now.

Where was Sans then? Why wasn't he in here too?

Papyrus felt a pit of anxiety swell in his magic stomach.

This was strange, too strange. Sure, sometimes the two brothers were spontaneous and did random shit for the hell of it. Especially when Papyrus was drunk but to end up in Sans's room the next morning was new and somewhat worrying considering the smaller was nowhere in sight.

He slowly rose from the makeshift bed, moaning in pain as his spine popped. He cradled his head and winced as he walked out of the room. The lights were too bright, and his arm hurt horribly. He was gonna have to change the bandages today for sure.

Before he made it to the stairs, he noticed that his bedroom door was agape.

A confused frown spread across his features. That was definitely not normal, he never left his door open.

He looked over the railing towards the living room. Sans wasn't on the couch. His gaze shifted to the kitchen, but he didn't sense a presence there either. He faced back around towards the door. So help him, if Sans was in his room.

"Sans?" He called out.

"Yes, Boss?"

That little son of bitch.

Papyrus stormed into his room, turning on the light. 

And there Sans sat. In his bed with Doom. "Purple today Boss?"

"Why the hell are you in my room?"

Both Sans and the cat blinked at him like he was stupid.

"You... You told me to sleep in here last night." The smaller responded with a hint of sadness in his voice. He looked as if he was remembering something.

Papyrus felt himself deflate. What the fuck happened last night?

"Okay." He trailed off thinking about his next question. "Did I do anything else?"

"No!" Sans quickly interjected, "No, you didn't do anything else..." He added.

Papyrus swallowed anxiously. That pit from earlier grew even more at his brother's words. If he'd hurt Sans again, he would never forgive himself.

"Sans I- " He paused, a familiar feeling rushing through his stomach. "Fuck!"

Papyrus took off, stumbling his way down the stairs and towards the bathroom.

"Boss!?" Sans yelled as he quickly followed Boss, worried about him as usual.

When he arrived at the bathroom, he watched as his brother retched over the toilet, feeling his own insides twist. He didn't understand why Boss did this to himself. Why drink something if you know it's gonna fuck you up the next day?

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