Chapter 1: A brand new beginning

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"Ah, college! We finally have freedom!"

Your roommate, Kate exclaimed as she threw her bags on her bed. The two of you had been best friends ever since elementary school, so of course when you two found out you were going to the same college, you had to put in a request to be roommates.

The dorm was small, but it worked. It had one single window in between both of the bare beds, and each bed had a nightstand next to them. There were desks and small dressers on each side of the room, and an ensuite bathroom that was way too small to be shared, but whatever. You weren't expecting luxury.

Kate flopped on her bed in a snow angel position while you just started making yours. "We can finally do whatever we want. You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna join an archery class so I can finally impress Yelena and ask her on a date by shooting an arrow, she'll totally fall in love with me." Kate said.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that, Bishop." you teased and you could feel her shooting daggers at you.

You looked back at her with an amused smile,

"What? I'm just saying maybe she'll find out what a total weirdo you are and get turned off."

"Whatever, L/n." She then looked at your bedding with an exaggerated look of disgust. "And seriously? Spider-Man comforter?"

"Hey, hey, hey. Don't go talking shit about spidey okay? He's just the friendly neighborhood hero."

"You only like him because you think that one guy that plays him is cute. What's his name again? Tom, British or something?"

"It's Tom Holland," you corrected her, "And no. I grew up reading the comics. You would know that if you were my friend. Also why'd you think his last name was British?"

"Because he's British so I thought that was his last name. Also, really? You don't find him hot? Your Wattpad library begs to differ." she said with a cringe.

"Shh. No one needs to know about that. Anyways, shouldn't you be getting your bed ready too?" you asked.

"Ohhh yeah! I should probably do that!" she said with a big smile that you couldn't help but chuckle at.

A few hours later, the two of you finally finished unpacking and setting up. The once empty dorm was filled and decorated with yours and Kate's things. It looked a lot better than it did before.

"Wanna go down to the cafeteria to see what they've got to eat? I'm starving." You said and she nodded in agreement.

The both of you made your way to the cafeteria. It was huge. And loud. There were counters with different types of food, and tables and chairs galore. All of which was being occupied by students. You figured that everyone else was hungry from a day of unpacking and traveling. Luckily, you didn't live too far from the campus, it was only an hour drive.

You got a slice of cheese pizza and a coke. Kate got some chicken tenders and a sprite. You both have the appetite of a child. You sat down at a table that had a booth on one side and chairs on the other. You called dibs on the booth before Kate even got there.

The both of you were eating and talking in peace until you saw Yelena walk by with a taller redhead. You decided this was the perfect opportunity to tease your friend.

"Don't look now, but Yelena is walking, talking, AND laughing with a gorgeous redhead." You teased cruelly, and you could hear the low groan she let out. She turned slowly to see the blonde walking with the redhead.

"Hey, Yelena!" you called her over, snapping your fingers in the air obnoxiously. Kate gave you a warning look, in which you ignored. Because truth be told both of you did secretly love being a little bit of an ass to each other.

Yelena and the redhead walked up to your table and sat down with you guys.

Yelena sat next to you, and the redhead sat next to Kate. "So, Lena, who's your super gorgeous friend?" You asked, wiggling your eyebrows.

She chuckled and said, "That's my sister, Natasha."

Kate let out a sigh in relief at that sentence. She still had a chance.

She was then happily munching down on her tenders that were drowned in ranch.

"Hi, I'm Y/n and this is my best friend Kate." you introduced the two of you, seeing how Kate wasn't going to speak a word to Natasha just yet.

You all ate your food and exchanged numbers with Natasha. You never knew Yelena had a sister, yet again you only knew her through Kate. They were online friends until they met up in real life last summer, and ever since then Kate wouldn't shut up about her.

"Oh, by the way there's a charity football game tomorrow at six. I want to go but this one," Yelena said motioning to her sister. "Absolutely despises football and I don't want to go alone sooo."

"Yeah, I'll go with you." Kate said with a blush.

"Great! Y/n, you're coming too."


"Kate told me about you wanting to be a college cheerleader, so, you should go and see if you'd like to cheer for this team or not."

You did want to be a college cheerleader. You never wanted to be a highschool cheerleader because the girls were way too catty. But you figured you'd give it a go in college. You've always loved the idea of being one, so why not?

"Fine." you whined.

When you and Kate finally got back to your dorm, it was basically throw on a pair of pajama pants and a hoodie and pass out.

Of course your precious sleep got interrupted at 3 in the morning when you woke up with an earache. You groaned and dug around in your bag for anything that would help but you had nothing. So you had to go to the Walgreens down the street to get some.

You walked down the street in your same outfit you fell asleep in, but you didn't care. It looked decent for being 3 am. When you got there you found the aisle for the painkillers and grabbed a Tylonal bottle. When you turned to go to the cash register, you bumped into someone.

"Sorry." You both said at the same time. Your face grew red in embarrassment. You looked up to see who it was. And there standing before you, was a tall blonde haired guy. He was holding a case of beer and staring right back at you. You blushed and looked away, biting your lip. God he was hot.

"Next time watch where you're going." he joked before walking to the front to pay for his item. You just stood there like an idiot. You never knew what to do when you met an attractive guy. Since most guys at your school weren't very attractive anyways. They were also all jerks. So your crushes were always fictional characters and celebrities.

But this guy was just a normal dude minding his business and you felt like you fell in love right then and there. If you were 12 you would've thought this was love at first sight soulmates Disney crap. Once you realized how long you were standing, staring at the wall of medicine you shook your head and walked up to the counter to pay.

On your walk back you thought you'd never see that man again. Oh boy were you wrong.

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