Chapter 3: Places we can't even fathom

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"Okay, close your eyes." he said. "But what if I trip?" you chuckled.

"Trust me, Y/n I won't let that happen." he chuckled before covering your eyes with his hand.

Steve grabbed your forearm gently and guided you down the sidewalk while you were just smiling and giggling, wondering what this surprise could be?

Then, you stopped and he uncovered your eyes. It was a super cute coffee shop, it seemed to be pretty empty, too. Like it was some secret place that only he knew.

"Oh my god, I love it so much!" you exclaimed and he smiled.

"I'm glad you like it, sweetheart. Now come on, let's go inside." he grabbed your hand and led you inside. You ordered a chocolate mocha with whipped cream and a blueberry scone.

The two of you sat down at a table by the window, overlooking the streets of New York. It was so pretty out, and so interesting watching all the different people walk past, minding their business. You grew up in a small rural area so this was very new to you.

"So, this is a date right? Why don't we get to know each other?" you finally asked after pulling your gaze away from the window.

"Okay, I'll start. Where are you from? What's your major?" he asked.

"I'm from Newfield, it's a small rural town here in New York. And I'm majoring in performing arts."

"Performing arts, huh? So are you a theater kid?"

"Oh, no." you laughed, shaking your head. "Nothing wrong with that, by the way. But I love dance and I want to be a professional dancer, maybe open my own studio someday. How about you? What goes on in the wondrous world of Steve Rogers?"

He chuckled before saying, "I grew up in Brooklyn, and I'm a history major. I have a fondness for war history specifically and would like to teach it in the future."

"That's really cool, I've never met someone who wanted to be a teacher."

"Yeah, my friends are like that. They don't understand why I want to be a teacher so much."

"My friends are kind of the same too."

"I uh, hope you like the gifts. I wasn't sure if you liked the cliche romantic things."

"Well, I do. I really appreciate it. You're very romantic if I do say so myself."

"Is that so?" you hummed in response, making him smile. He put his hand over yours, which made your heart soar.

"Very much so. I think I'd like to hang around you more."

"Good. Cause, I'm not ready to let you go anytime soon."

You really couldn't believe what you were hearing. This guy genuinely likes you, and isn't planning on letting you go. Are you in heaven? Or a cheesy fluffy romance novel? Either way you are most definitely here for it. You couldn't wait to talk about it with Kate. She hasn't stopped talking about Yelena, so you assumed she'd be okay with hearing about Steve, too.

You were also very happy for your friend, she found someone that makes her happy and that's all that matters. Although you love to tease each other, at the end of the day you always have each other's backs. It's just something that is so magical about best friends.

"I have one more place to take you before we head home." he said, taking your hand as you both exited the coffee shop. You were intrigued, more? More surprises are always the way to go.

"Okay, open your eyes." You opened your eyes to see  coney island.

You've always wanted to visit ever since you've moved to New York. It felt like something you should at least experience once. It also seemed like the perfect date spot. And now you're here with Steve, and everything is just right.

He bought tickets for the rides and carnival games. He made it his mission to win a teddy bear for you. You chuckled at how determined he was.

The roller coaster was not your favorite. Those drops were too much to handle.

The two of you bought cotton candy and took it on the ferris wheel, when it stopped at the top he kissed you so passionately you felt like your heart could explode.

When you arrived back at your dorm, he gave you a goodbye kiss.

"Goodnight Y/n."

"Goodnight Steve." you said before disappearing into your room.

You leaned against the door holding the giant teddy bear in your arms.

Kate had her textbook out, studying. Luckily you had gotten all your studying out of the way beforehand. You sighed happily.

"Alright N/n," she started. (N/n means nickname btw.) "Tell me everything."

You squealed and fell on top of your bed and turned to face her.

"Oh it was just magical! First, he gave me these gifts including these gorgeous flowers you know are my favorite. Then, he took me to a small coffee shop that was just so cute and empty. Finally, he took me to coney island and won me this bear!" you exclaimed. You really sounded like a lovesick teenager right now but you didn't care.

You hadn't been this happy in a long time.

"I'm so glad you had fun! I hope he took my threats to heart though." Kate said.

"Yes he did, trust me. He promised me he wouldn't hurt me."

"That's what they all say, you be careful alright?"

"Yes, mom." You both laughed after that. Who knew your college experience would be so fu-

"Alright! Beginning of the year exam, I hope you do well." Professor Banner said before setting his timer.

Yeah, fun is a loose term for what college is like. But outside of the exams and classwork it's genuinely just a good ol' time.

You tried really hard with this test, hoping it will boost your grade so you could start off the year with good grades.

You sighed and carefully colored in the bubble on each multiple choice question. You weren't even sure how you ended up taking a science class. Oh, yeah. Your mom made you. Considering the fact that your mom wanted an overachieving prodigy child, she made you do a bunch of sports, and classes growing up. And now she somehow made you enroll in a science and mathematics class.

You are an adult you could drop out, right? No. Your mom made sure that you fully depended on her in terms of financials so she could threaten to cut you off for disappointing her. And you really didn't want to disappoint your mother.

She was really nice when you did everything she asked, but when you screwed up even just a little bit she turned mean real fast. She'll cuss you out, one time she slapped you when she was drunk and looked at your 7th grade report card.

So, this is just how it is. You'll always have to follow your mother's rules. She'd always make sure that you depend on her in some way so she could still control you. She always needed to be in control of something. Always.

Your grandma said something about her being bipolar, but you weren't sure if that was the case. She definitely was a narcissist though.

You hoped she'd be able to get professional help soon. But you can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped and she doesn't think anythings wrong with her.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter!

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