Chapter 6: Just close your eyes

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"Ugh, I hate that you have to move out!" Kate groaned as she watched you pack your things in a box.

"Well you can blame my mother for that." you grumbled.

You took the sheets and comforter off your bed and stuffed them in a tote bag. Luckily for you, Steve had a guest bedroom in his apartment so you could have your own bed. Although, you didn't mind sharing a bed with him.

"Cya, later Katie. Let me know who your new roommate is!" you exclaimed with a big, cheesy grin before closing the door. The smile quickly faded as you leaned against the door, closing your eyes with a sigh.

"Hey, ready to go?" Steve asked you. Opening your eyes, you hummed with a nod before following him out to his car. The man was pretty well off, mainly because his parents were and you were definitely lucky to be able to bunk with him for the time being. You wanted to get your own place, and so you made sure to look for jobs in the area. However Steve told you that you didn't have to do anything and how he was going to take care of you.

You decided to let it slide for a bit, even though you were stubborn as hell when it came to people telling you what to do. Upon arriving at Steve's apartment, you took in the details you didn't notice the night the two of you hooked up. The beautifully white kitchen, the gray color scheme, the flat screen TV that was mounted on the wall. It was very modern but also very cozy. Something you didn't expect him to be into but who were you to judge you aren't an interior designer.

You set up the guest bedroom like it was your own, you expected to feel a sense of home when it was all put together with your things, but you felt empty. You missed being crammed in that small dorm with your best friend. Even though, yeah, you were living with your boyfriend now you will always love your best friend more.

You and Kate always made sure to not put each other's relationships before your friendship, because in the end a friend is one of the most important people you could have in your life. You read that on some random tumblr post in 2014.

You sighed before collapsing on the bed. Everything happened so fast. The game, comforting Steve after he blamed himself countless times for losing, the drinks at Chili's, your mom cutting you off, moving in with your boyfriend.

You let a tear fall onto your cheek before sniffling and wiping it away. You weren't ready for him to see you this vulnerable. Not yet at least. A soft knock on the door pulled you out of your train of thoughts. "Come in." you said softly.

"Hey, what do you want for dinner?" he asked.

"I don't care, anything." you responded.

He sat down on your bed and looked over at you, lightly rubbing your leg comfortably. He sighed, "I know this is all hard on you. I'm sorry." was all he could say. You nodded before turning away from him, eventually falling asleep.

You woke up with a light shake of your shoulder, you opened your eyes to the golden late afternoon sun that streamed through the blinds. You were surprised when you turned to see Kate.

"Hey," she said softly. "Steve told me you weren't feeling well so I came over to make ya feel better. We have pizza in the kitchen if you want."

You groaned before rubbing your eyes and sitting up in the bed, head leaning back against the headboard.

"Yeah, um. I'm not sick or anything but this whole thing with my mom, and having to leave you is really fucking with me." you explained.

Kate nodded in understanding, before crawling up next to you and holding you in her arms while you cried softly into her shirt. Steve came in to check on you and was heartbroken by the sight. He was about to leave out the door before Kate motioned for him to comfort you as well.

So there you were, sandwiched in comforting cuddles by your best friend and your boyfriend. They both sighed in relief when you calmed down, sitting up again to wipe your tears with the tissue Kate gave you a few minutes ago.

"Sorry Steve." you sniffled before blowing your nose. He brushed a stray strand of hair out of your face before looking at you with concern.

"Why are you sorry sweetheart?" he asked.

"I don't want you to see me like this. I don't want to make you feel sad because of me." you confessed with a huff.

"Y/n, I'm gonna feel sad either way and I might as well feel it while comforting my best girl right? And all the times you've comforted me when I was upset after losing a game. You were there for me even when it wasn't a big deal. This," he gestured to you, "What you're going through is a big deal, a dramatic change in your life. And I'm so happy I get to be the one to help you with it." His words made your heart flutter and you leaned in to press a kiss to his cheek, giving him a warm smile afterwards in which he returned.

"Well if this is all settled I'd like to go eat now." Kate interrupted the heart felt moment and you punched her arm.

"Bitch." you muttered under your breath.

"Whore." she muttered back and you both started dying laughing before all three of you got up and went to the kitchen.

"So, have they found you a new roommate yet?" you asked her.

"Yes actually. She's this really cool girl named America Chavez. She's a freshman like us." Kate responded.

"You're gonna have to introduce me to her. Hopefully she doesn't steal my spot as your best friend though."

"Trust me L/n, no one can replace you as my best friend that's for sure."

"Good to know, Bishop."

Steve watched the whole exchange, and smiled to himself. It reminded him of Bucky and him. The not so subtle jabs at each other, the teasing, and then the good ol' love you had for each other despite that.

After a few hours of talking -and drinking- Kate went on her way home, telling you that she'll see you in class tomorrow before seeing herself out.

You collapsed on the couch next to Steve with a happy sigh. "Thanks for bringing her over here." you said.

"Of course, even though I knew I could probably take care of you myself, I knew you needed your best friend with you. She knew you longer than I have and knows the full situation."

You felt guilty when you realized you hadn't told Steve the whole story about your mom, and how she treated you. When you told him she cut you off he didn't need any further explanation to take you in. You were going to tell him someday, but not now. You didn't want tears to spill again. Not tonight. You huffed before leaning into his chest as he wrapped his arm around you, as the two of you watched 'Last Night In Soho' a thriller movie you begged him to watch.

A/N: Sorry for the shorter (ish) chapter I just really wanted to continue writing this book to see how far I could take it.

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