Chapter 2: Charity football match

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"Ugh, why did I agree to this?" you groaned when you were dragged by Kate and Yelena to the stadium.

"Because you want to be a cheerleader, remember? Might as well see if this team is worth cheering for." Kate reminded you.

You shook your head with a grimace and continued to have the blonde and the brunette drag you into the stadium. The three of you got front row seats, thanks to being early.

It was all fun and games until you noticed him. The guy you ran into at Walgreens last night. Of course he was a football player, built like that...

You shook the inappropriate thoughts out of your head. You only met this guy last night. He's probably forgotten about you.

The blow of the whistle startled you, and you looked to see the players already in position. Your university playing offense. You didn't know much at all about football, only the basics like what a quarterback is, what offense and defense means, etc.

However Yelena, she knew all about it. She was a football enthusiast. Her favorite team is the Miami Dolphins because it was her dad's favorite team so naturally, it was hers too.

You heard her shout 'let's go!' and 'come on guys!' you chuckled at her immersion in the game. Kate just sat there, cheering whenever Yelena did. Kate didn't know any more than you did but she pretended to know what things meant and what the players were doing in order to impress her crush.

You stayed quiet, however you kept a close eye on a certain player. You're gonna be honest, you've never been this infatuated with someone that existed or wasn't famous. So this was new to you. You assumed this was a one time thing. You thought he was hot and couldn't get him out of your head for a week, and then move on. Maybe find another person to fawn over.

Except, little did you know that wasn't going to happen.

During half time, the cheerleaders came out and did a performance. You kept a close eye on them, seeing how their team was organized, and what kind of routines they did. Their uniforms were cute too. Bright orange on black. The perfect combo.

Then your eyes once again landed on him. He was chatting it up with a brunette who seemed to be his best friend the way they were acting. You tried to read his jersey to see if you could at least find a last name, but you couldn't tell. Then the unthinkable happened.

He noticed you and looked up to wink at you before running back out on the field with the other players. Your heart definitely did a somersault at his action.

The game went on at ease, your university winning in the end. In which you jumped up and cheered with the rest of the crowd. Unknowing to you, the tall blonde was staring at you as you jumped up and down and hugging your friends. He couldn't get you out of his head either.

Later that night, there was a party that of course you got dragged to by your two friends. Because what are friends for if not to drag you to football games and parties.

The party was at some rando's dorm and it was packed. It was one of the bigger dorms with three bedrooms and a kitchenette which you were jealous of. You could imagine living here with Kate and Yelena. But the one bedroom dorm was fine with you, it was cozy. And there weren't any parties going on in your building so it was nice and quiet.

You got separated from your friends and had to fend for yourself. So you grabbed a cup of whatever, and drank it. It was strong for sure and you weren't planning on having a hangover the next morning so you dumped the rest out in the sink.

"You're no fun." You heard a male's voice say before turning to see who it was. The blonde was leaning against the fridge smiling down at you. You tensed up, not knowing what to do. I mean, he could be a murder for all you know. But you'd let him murder you. Wait. What? No.

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