Chapter 9 - Family?

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They chatter a bit and they had few laughs before they said their goodbye's to Jian.

Minho removed the wine from the table that was untouched. They sat on couch and wonder what just happened. "I didn't know Mrs. Jian was so sweet." Seungmin said.

"Yeah I thought she was really scary, cold and creepy. That our leader was shaking a baby too." Jeongin bluntly said. Bangchan's head hung low from embarrassment.

"I thought I was with my mom for a moment." Changbin also said his opinion.

Bangchan stated "Well kids, lesson today is; Do Not Judge a Book by its Cover. Not from their Reputation, or hearsays." All of them nodded slowly.


"Sooooo.... What's for dinner?" Felix broke the silence.

Minho, "First we need to talk to our new cutie."


"They have settled the matter you say?"


"Is grandson fine?"

"He will be fine considering spying the kids but that is not guaranteed."

"Hmm... Did my grandson accept his new coworkers?

"Jisung is still unaware. And no, he did not killed them... Yet."

The old man sighed, "Jeez... I want to see him work before I die of old age."


"We're really sorry. We didn't know." Bangchan apologized while watching Jisung munching his food like an animal. All of them were looking at him with an apologetic face, ignoring their food.

"Yoyu wowewer (yeah yeah whatever)." Jisung responded while rolling his eyes, with his mouth full.

"The door. It just automatically close when yo-"

"Stop talking and eat your food." Jisung interrupted Changbin's excuse out of annoyance.

After minutes of uncomfortable silence, they finished eating. Altogether they cleaned the table, except Jisung.

Bangchan took a deep breath as he put on his business smile once again. "Your mother, Madam Jian has come to an agreement with us."

"I know" Jisung said, "She wants me to be in your group so that I'll take over the mafia community as my grandfather's last wish, am I right?"

"Just as you guessed." Bangchan responded.

Jisung was silent for awhile as he was thinking so hard "Y'know what... That's a great idea, I'm in." Jisung said with a serious face.

The 7 boys' faces lit up with excitement and joy. "REALLY?!" They said in unison.

Jisung chuckled "hmmm of course not." Jisung sand and put his biggest smile on his face as a result they frowned.

"We do not know your story and the reason why you don't want to join, although you're a serial killer yourself but in our point of view, it's not that of a bad idea to join." Minho stepped in.

'Yes exactly. You don't know my story.' Jisung stared at him.

Jisung smiled once again, "How so, Mr. Pervert?"

The others were taken aback and confused of the nickname, have they met eachother? They said in their mind. Minuo chuckled nervously.

"Jisung-ssi, you have nowhere to go now. The place your staying at is discovered and they've had started rebuilding it."

"No big deal. I stay at different places." Jisung rolled his eyes.

"Every places in south korea has heavy security now. You have to show an indentification card if you want to enter, but you can't, if you don't live there... Guess you'll sleep on streets everyday then, not that I care. Jisung started to get annoyed.

Jeongin sighed in their childish argument, thus he stepped in. "Jisung, why don't you just try to be with us?" He said softly. "Try it. If you start to dislike it, you can leave. We won't push you."

Felix joined, "This place is very far than you could imagine. If you really want to go now, by walking it will take you 2 nights and It'll take a day if you drive."

Jisung was starting to get real frustrated. He can't possibly walk that long without any food and water, plus he is extremely lazy. Driving is the right choice. He could just steal their car but the problem is... He can't drive. 'dammit'.

"You must've been really lonely." Changbin said out of pity. "I can't even live a day without my boyfriend and my friends." He looked at Felix. "Aw baby!" Felix hugged him tightly.

"I guarantee you this place is the best, I have had so much warmth and love. Having this family beside me is the best decision I've made. We'll treat you equally" Hyunjin said.

Seungmin, "Yeah. They are really annoying but they are my family, and I love them."

They all looked at Seungmin shock. "What? I can say sweet stuff too."

Bangchan spoke up, "So... What do you say?"

"..." Jisung hesitated as he just stared at them.

They do all look happy but in jisung's perspective, it's a different story if he is with them. Not because he's worried he might destroy their happiness, but it's because he has not felt love from anyone.

He had a family but his father abused him and gave him a traumatic past he couldn't forget. His mother who was there but she just watched and did not stop her husband.

His grandfather who didn't even showed up until Jisung was an adult. Jisung even thought he have no grandfather. But he just wanted Jisung to inherited his business.

He once had a "boyfriend" but he actually kidnapped and locked nd kept her in a house. She ended up dyung by starvation. However, not long after that, someone had a crush on Jisung. And that idiot made Jisung drunk, she sexually harrassed him which led in a motel. Jisung was suprise that his clothes were gone, and there was a woman next to him in bed, as a result he killed her for touching him.

He had have a shitty family and a shitty life. But maybe these guys will change his life... It wouldn't kill him to try, right?

"Then..." His stubborness and pride is making him hesitate but in the end his answer is the same. "I guess I'll try..."

As soon as he agreed, they all cheered a 'yay'. Bangchan giggled and said...

"Welcome to Straykids, Jisung. And Welcome to your new home."

The mood was just getting better but a mysterious australian man called 'Luca Kaneshiro' kicked the door, barged in the house and said, "FAMILY IS POG!"

To Be Continued...

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The wine was untouched because they automatically think it's poisoned because that's how they trained as a mafia.

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