Chapter 4

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Your POV

After getting my new weapon at Wagner's I head over to the tavern as it was now nearing dusk. As I passed by the plaza, I saw the anemo God's statue standing tall in the middle of it and in front of the favonius cathedral. I don't know why but for some reason that statue feels nostalgic and familiar looking, specially the anemo God's name Barnatoes. No wait I think it was Bar...Barbietoes? Yes Barbietoes, as Rosaria had said. Stopping for a bit to stare at it I sighed.

Again no matter how hard I try to recall anything it would always be fruitless or would either end up in me getting a migraine from it without gain, and when I end up remembering something I would forget it right away or it would be too vivid to even call a memory. The only memories that would rush sometimes would either be useless cringe lines o anyway.

I turned away and continued my way to dawn winery, first going to a secluded alley and putting on my hood and mask as I made sure the voice enchantment worked and no one would recognize my voice. After a while of walking and stopping at a few stores, I made my way to my destination just in time for it's closing. Adjusting the hood of my cloak I opened the door and  was greeted by a shocking sight.

Jean was here, standing beside Diluc as they talked. Coughing in my gloved palm both of them turned they're attentions at me.

Looking at Diluc with a smile I gently patted his shoulder and signaled him to come with me at the corner, waving innocently at the confused looking Jean.

"Red bitch! Why the fuck is Jean here?!" I whisper shouted at him as he crossed his arms and looked at the acting grandmaster in disinterest. He then sighed and rubbed his temple.

"I'll tell you about it once the traveler arrives. "

"You should have at least told me she was coming!" I whispered angrily at him as he waved his hand dismissively, I sighed and groaned in annoyance. Making our way towards the acting grandmaster,  I gave her a wave and a smile(since my mask only covered my eyes and nose.).

"Why hello there Ms. Gunnhildr. Fancy seeing you here~" I giggled as I took hold of her hand and shook it. "Do I know you?" She asked me as I let go. "Well do you think you do?" I answered her question with my own question as she seemed to deflate a little, I was honestly nervous as fuck if she'll recognize me. "My apologies then, I did not mean to sound rude.." She coughed. "Since you already know me, wouldn't it be fair for you to introduce yourself as well?" I laughed at her statement and bowed a bit.

"Of course, how rude of me. My name is (An- *ehem* (C/n)[Code name]. Companion of Mr. Ragvindr here. A pleasure to meet you." I grinned up at her as she narrowed her eyes, but smiled at me nonetheless. After waiting for a couple of minutes, the bard and traveler had finally arrived along with the flying pet of theirs.

"Ah you've finally arrived, took you long enough." I said with a clap.

"Wait, you're... Lumine?" Jean said in disbelief at who she's seeing. The traveler then asked why the acting grandmaster was here with us.

"Well, first of all. I contacted more than one person." Diluc explained. "Second of all, she came here as "Jean" herself and not as The Acting Grandmaster. A Jean you could never see even as honorary knight."

"What a surprise. " Jean smiled at the traveler and the other two beside her. "I heard about the holy lyre but I never suspected it was you." After filling Jean in on what we know Diluc had spoke up.

"I understand this kind of explanation is hard to believe. But we can ask the bard to play the song again to try and persuade--"

"I believe you."

"To persuade our stubborn comman- wait what?" Diluc spoke in disbelief, at what Jean just said as I also looked at the acting grandmaster in shock. Did she just say what now?

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