Chapter 13

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Your POV

After the traveler and the rest have returned from the subjugation of Dvalin, or at least I think it was subjugation, Lumine and I have decided to part mondstadt a day after she had rested from the terrific chaos she had just gotten herself into. I bid farewell to Jean and Lisa, and as well as Barbara, who was bawling her eyes out whilst clinging to me. I honestly felt bad.

I had only told her a day before we leave and it was probably too much for her to handle. Amber was a different story, she was shocked sure. But more so upset, after all, I forgot to tell her due to the fact she was busy and was only able to say it a couple hours before we have to depart, she didn't even show up to bid me farewell. I was a little disappointed, but I guess I can't blame her.

After walking miles and fighting off the occasional hilichurl that dared to cross our path, the road ahead seemed to stretch on forever. The sun had dipped low in the sky, casting long shadows across the landscape. The air was cooler now, a gentle breeze tugging at our clothes as we pressed forward. Lumine walked a few paces ahead, her expression distant as always, her golden eyes scanning the horizon with a kind of quiet determination that I had come to recognize all too well.

Paimon floated just beside her, chattering away about all sorts of things—mostly about food, occasionally about the strange creatures we encountered, and sometimes, about Lumine's brother. Despite the ceaseless talking, Lumine only offered the occasional nod or hum in response, her focus always elsewhere.

I glanced at the back of her head, feeling a pang of something I couldn’t quite place. It wasn’t like we hadn’t become close over the time we’d spent together, but there was always this invisible wall between us—something that kept her just out of reach. It was like she was here, but her mind was already on the next destination, the next clue that might lead her to her brother.

The silence between us grew, broken only by the rustling leaves and Paimon’s ongoing monologue. I wanted to say something, maybe ask if she was okay, if she ever felt tired of all this—of constantly moving, fighting, searching. But I knew the answer already. Lumine wasn’t the type to show weakness, especially not now when she was so close, or at least she believed she was.

As we crested a small hill, the sprawling landscape of Liyue Harbor came into view, its golden lights flickering like a thousand fireflies in the approaching dusk. Paimon let out a small gasp of delight. “Wow, Liyue is even more beautiful than Paimon imagined!”

Lumine paused, taking in the sight, her expression softening just a little. “It’s… peaceful,” she said quietly, almost to herself.

I took a step closer, trying to catch her eye. “It’s been a long journey. Maybe we can take a break here, rest up before we continue.”

She turned to me then, her gaze steady, but there was a hint of something in her eyes—was it exhaustion, or maybe something deeper, like doubt? “We’ll rest,” she agreed, her voice calm but firm. “But only for a night. We can’t afford to lose time.”

I nodded, understanding all too well. Even when she allowed herself a moment of rest, Lumine never truly let her guard down. It was like she was carrying the weight of two worlds on her shoulders—hers and mine—and I wished I could ease that burden somehow.

As we made our way down the hill, heading towards the warmth and light of Liyue Harbor, I couldn’t help but wonder if there would ever come a time when she would allow herself to stop—to breathe and truly be in the moment. For now, though, I would walk beside her, share what little I could.


As we descended the hill and entered Liyue Harbor, the sounds of the bustling port town enveloped us. The clattering of carts, the distant shouts of merchants, and the soothing flow of the ocean combined to create a strangely familiar yet foreign ambiance. Something about this place tugged at the edges of my mind, as if I had been here before in another time, another life.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25 ⏰

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