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Another Authors Note: this part of the book follows from DALTON CITY.


We argue.

The day consisted of love and laughter ... pure joy.

The night consisted of screaming and shouting ... crying.

I'm not angry about the kiss, well I am but still ... I'm mad about the fact that the dude got a erection.

You can see he's hard, he's pants seem to look like a rock. That's what I'm upset about.

It hurts knowing and seeing him kiss someone else, let alone him get a thrill out of it. Especially when he is constantly telling me that it's not true and that it doesn't matter.

I keep hitting and pushing him angry.

I can't help it!

"You like to fuck with little girls" ...

"Don't you" i yell

He shakes his head.

"Love to just fuck little girls" I continue...

"In it" i yell ...

"Say it" i push him again and he still shakes his head.

So, I finally stop.

I just look at him in tears ...

"Your a fucking disgusting man" is what I leave him with, before running off and he don't even bother to chase after me.

Instead, he watches ...

Himself in tears also.

The next week I moved back in with my parents. Until I'm seem again, by Lukas Cloud in Paradise City.

The week has been awful, I've heard that Lukas's nightmares are back. That he abuses his gym again. That he still can't rid himself of buying the things that I like, even though he knows he don't like them.

Avery keeps giving me updates and I keep giving her the same old ... "yeah but he still" ...

"Still what" she pauses, "still clearly loves you"

Loves huh ...

He loves ...

Nest believe that of he did, or does ... he'd be fighting for me right now, not that I'd want him to.

Instead he's just back to his old ways, as if I didn't exist.

But one night I get a call that changes everything. Within a matter of minutes I'm back in his place again.

He sits, drinking himself to death ...

Dalton told me that he's in a bad state. The worst he's ever seen him.

I try and I try and he don't budge ... maybe I've hurt him too.

That night was awful for the both of us.

Now, I've genuinely given up, and I'm still upset.

"You wanna know what the problem is" ...

"It isn't about me completely in love with you" i say,

"Or about you loving me also"

He watches me and i continue.

"It's about the fact that, I'm the girl who loves too much ... and your the boy who loves too little."

He sighs ...
"Liv" he pauses, "that's not" ...

"Because being like this doesn't show it!"

He now looks at the floor, I remain watching him.

"If your completely in love with me" ...

He looks back up again.

"Let me know..."

"But until then, don't talk to me. Just, in fact, stay away from me until you've figured it out."

I turn and walk out, I hear him behind me ... his boot making contact with the floor and when I'm down the hill he stops.

Good ...

I've probably made situations worse, but hey ho ... that's me. That's what I do.

He's just gotta figure it out in his own.

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