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I am dying!

I shouldn't be this dramatic ...

But, I am dying.

"Baby C giving you a hard time?" Lukas smiles and gives me a hot cup of tea.

"Yes, and she isn't stopping."

"Why are you hurting mama" he rubs my stomach and she calms.

She calms down with her fathers touch...

"It's working, never ever take your hand off my stomach" i sigh and he smiles again.

"The best little girl ever and I can't wait to meet you"

"Shes gonna be blonde, have your face... my hair and god help us who's personality" i say and he chuckles.

"I feel like she's gonna be a mixture of both."

"Like, she's gonna have your wits and charms and my sarcasm and mood swings" he says and I nod my head.

Half way there baby.
Half way there Lukas Cloud.

Half way there until motherhood.
Half way there until we become a family of three.


(A few more months later)

Pain and agony.

Nothing but pain and agony as my waters break while I'm in bed.

Lukas asleep beside me.

Like a baby...

I shake him and he wakes up and blinks, "what" .. "what" he says.

He sits and looks around and then at the bed.

"Did you pee the bed"

"My waters broke" i yell and hit his shoulder.

"Okay, well... don't panic"

"Kinda panicking" is all i say before he stands up from the bed and heads over to my side.

He carries me down the the stairs and into the car, he phones Dalton on the way to the hospital and he's up already.

The twins were born three weeks ago.

Ophelia Jules and Halston Piaz are in the NICU due to them being born when Avery was 34 weeks.

Though, they are healthy. They just need support at the moment, so it's easier for us because Dalton and Avery are already there.


Now it's our turn.

"Just take deep breathes okay" he tries to calm me.

"Remember, Avery done this" ...

"She didn't do it vaginally" i yell in pain and discomfort.

"Okay, so she had a c-section. She had to go through the before math of labour though."

"Lu, your not helping" is all i say and he steps on it.

Within seconds we're at the hospital and I'm getting rushed to the ward in a wheelchair and Lukas meets Dalton while Avery stays with the twins.

Baby C is coming ...

Baby C is here!

She was worth it, all the pain and discomfort.

She lays sucking her thumb in my chest as I'm exhausted laid on the bed.

Lukas just sits beside me, one arm over my head supporting my neck and the other is stroking our baby's head.

He smiles.

I smile.

Welcome to the world...
Stori Halo Cloud.

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