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If you would of told me, that one year ago... I'd of be engaged to Lukas Cloud and birthed his daughter, I'd tell you that your crazy!

Yet, here I am.

Stood on the roof of Paradise City taking it all in...
With the family that I chose, and I wouldn't chance it for the world.

(13 years later)

Stori stands shocked by the counter after hearing what her dad just said.
"We can't leave" she says and though it feels like she was a baby yesterday, now she's turning into a grown woman.

Let's fill you in.
After we got married, we found out I was pregnant with another little girl.
We named her Sayla.

Sayla had lukemia and sadly passed away when she was 5.
Me and Lukas chose not to try for another child after her loss.

Stori now has a bounty on her head because of the mafia that is soon to be Halston's when he's ready.

So it was Lou's decision to have us move away from NewYork City until the right time has arrived.

That time being, when she's ready to protect herself and when Halston finally has the mafia off of his father.

Better yet... when the bounty is no longer on her head.

So, it's for her safety and it won't be long.
We would be back here in no time.

For now, we will enjoy what's to come...
We decided on London, England.

So, when the time is right for us to come back to the city that is family for us all.
We will be here and not there.

Stori sighs and storms upstairs and Lukas rests his head on my chest.
"What are we gonna do with her" he asks and I giggle.
"Take it day by day" i say.

"We're gonna come back, I know it. Mark my words that this won't last forever Livy" he says and I nod my head.

"I know" I smile.

"I know" ...

He smiles.

"Your still out of league" he tells me and I giggle again.
"Your still our or mine" i say.

He looks up at me from the hug, I look down at him.

"Perfection in my eyes"
"Perfection in mine" i say.

Lukas sighs into the hug and no matter what happens, we will definitely come back here.

Then we'd be apart of her story...
Yet, I wonder... what her story will become of.

I guess we will just have to wait and find out.

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