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"Like you haven't left" i stand behind the sofa while Liv remains just laying there confused about what's going on.

I'll tell you what's going on. I heard them rummaging around so I left the office and I've come to witness this...

Royal and another yellow teethed, browned haired man in the same room Liv is in.

"What do you want, because Dalton isn't here" i say and he chuckles

"Dalton isn't here"

"Good" he sighs and I roll my eyes.

"How did you get in?"
"Oh you boys seem to forget, that I have this thing called a key" he pauses, "yeah it let me." "Okay, so then why are you here" i ask

"To make a deal, it's very easy. Nothing to much ... or to worry about" he walks around the lounge.

"Go on" ...

"You see, you embarrassed me. You and your best buddy and though I may not be stronger. I do have some power, with a lot up my sleeve."

"Get to it" ...

"I want this" he gestures around the room.


"Because I want it" he says.

"You can't get what you want all the time" i say and cross my arms. If he means PC then he can jog on.

"Well, that's the offer I'm making"
"I'll leave you all alone, if you do what I ask of you"

"Which is" ...

"Lukas, for someone who was raised the mafia industry. You sure are a dreamer" he says.

"I want paradise city. I want the glory and the mafia and all this to have my name on it. This isn't daltons city no more... it's mine now."

"Wanna bet" because I can assure you now, that this would mean a war. Dalton won't let anyone take this from him. He would rather loose limb by limb before it gets taken away from him and even then he'd put up a fight.

"Dont test me, I want him here... I have vans parked outside and yes, we have weapons" he smiles.

"Is that supposed to scare me, you can use all the weapons and have your high hopes up but you are nit taking this or the city."

"Get Dalton to come here, right now, before I shoot you and your misses" he yells this time...

"He's in the countryside with Avery" Olivia says and I sigh.

Why did she have to say something, she's only laying in between me and someone who believes that they can take away a home from me.

"I don't care, time to wake up. Call him, or so help me when he gets back you too won't be here."

"Your not scaring me Mason" ...

"Oh shut up and call him" Liv yells, "before I do" she then huffs and gets up from the sofa and Royal chuckles.

"What's wrong" he answers, "it's Mason" ... "Mason Royal" i say.

"Whats he bloody done now" he says from the phone.
"That's the point Dalton, you've got to come back" i tell him.

"Why" he asks.

"The Royals are trying to buy out Paradise City"
"Dalton, he's trying to steal the mafia from you" ...

He hangs up and immediately i I fall over the sofa dramatically, "so" Royal says and I look toward him and shake my head in disbelief... "he's coming and he isn't happy" I say.

He smirks and eases, the man he is with now heads back to the vans outside.

"Danger strikes again" is all Royal says before allowing himself to sit on the sofa and he taps my cheek while I'm hunched over the sofa beside him.

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