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Fourth of July.

One of the biggest celebrations at the Fisher residence over the summer. Susannah usually went all out. This year was no different as I entered the already decorated house.

"This looks amazing Susannah!" I said placing a try of fourth of July themed cupcakes on the counter. "Oh hey Belly, Jeremiah"

Oh, ladies don't forget, Ms. Covington's first dance rehearsal is tomorrow, so, uh tick-tock on finding dates" Susannah announced. Something I completely forgot about this stupid ball.

"I'm asking Cam today" Belly announced

"Not really sure what I'm going to do" I said, a little embarrassed. I was thinking about giving up on the whole thing quite honestly.

"Tyyyylllleeerrrr" Belly sang from the kitchen table and I rolled my eyes at her. It honestly wasn't a bad idea. We did hit it off last night, but I didn't want him getting the wrong idea.

"Maybe" I said with a shrug looking at Jeremiah who was awfully quiet this morning. We both made eye contact but I looked away quickly.


Not wanting to dampen the atmosphere with my bummed out mood I resided inside most of the day alone. I was bummed that my mom wasn't here celebrating the fourth with us. It was hard spending holidays away from her. Though it is what it is.

I wasn't in solitude that much longer because Belly and her father's girlfriend made their way inside. Jeremiah followed them in as well.

"Hey Victoria, this is Rachel, a good family friend of ours" Belly introduced us.

"It's nice to meet you!" I smiled, shaking her hand politely "Let me guess ... you brought the pomegranates? What are you going to brew up with them?"

"Pomegranate Margaritas!" She said excitedly, and went right into working on them. "So I actually spent a summer in this desert town in Texas near the border called Marfa. And there was a bar there that served these, and I told the bartender that I would not leave until he showed me exactly how he made these."

"Can I try a sip?" Belly asked excitedly, making me and Jeremiah share a questioning look.

"Are your parents cool with that?"

"Yeah, yeah, no they don't care" she lied smoothly. Her mom would definitely have her head later for sure.

We then all tried the margarita, surprised by how good it tasted.

"That's amazing!" Belly said

"Oh god this is dangerous" I said after trying the drink

"Oh wow yeah, no wonder why you like it. It tastes just like a slurpee!"

Then Belly started making more of the drink which was very weird to see. Belly knew nothing about alcohol and usually never partook in drinking. I'm not sure what got into her today, but it wouldn't end pretty.

Conrad entered the equation as well. He was in an unusually good mood today. Joking with Jeremiah, bringing up old memories, actually treating Belly like she existed. It was actually pleasant having him around today.

It was funny how clueless Belly was about alcohol because she just added odd amounts of liquor like it didn't mean anything. It made me laugh because she would definitely be regretting this later.

The mood was light and fun until two people entered the kitchen. It was Conrad and Jeremiah's dad and ...

"MOM" I screamed running over to her, and almost tackled her in a hug.

Just Keep Driving - Jeremiah FisherWhere stories live. Discover now