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Chapter 7


Miles had known what to expect once they had gotten off the train, and thus, was just about the only one in his group to not jump a foot in the air when they heard Rubeus Hagrid's booming voice. "Right, then. Firs' years! Firs' years, this way, please! Come on, now, don't be shy, follow me! Mind yer step now! Firs' years, follow me!" Moments later, they could see the man, holding a lamp over the heads of the students.

"Does he always sound like that?" Daphne asked.

Miles chuckled. "He does when he comes over to dinner at least."

They all looked at him, bewildered. "You've had a giant over for dinner?" Theo asked.

"Half-giant actually, but yes."

They made their way over to Hagrid, and Miles greeted him cheerfully. "Hey, Hagrid!"

"All right there Miles?" Hagrid asked, beaming at him.

As Miles told him he was doing well and asked Hagrid how he'd been, he was aware of the ever-increasing muttering going on around him. This mostly consisted of people's shock that he, the Boy Who Lived, would be a first-year in Hogwarts alongside them. Hastily, he bid Hagrid farewell and joined the rest of his group as they made their way down a narrow path, following Hagrid.

Trees lined the path on either side of them, or at least he assumed they were trees, given dark their surroundings were. They didn't speak much as they followed Hagrid, a few students slipping and stumbling down the sloping path. Miles spotted a boy desperately trying to keep hold of a toad, who was making its best attempts to get away from him in the darkness.

"Yeh'll get yer firs' sight o' Hogwarts in a sec," Hagrid called over his shoulder, "Jus' round this bend here!"

There was an astonishing murmur that followed his statement as the students got their first glimpse of Hogwarts. Across a great black lake, perched atop a high mountain on the other side, was an enormous castle, bedecked with turrets and towers, its windows lit against the starry sky. In front of them, were several small wooden boats, bobbing in the dark water.

"No more'n four to a boat!" Hagrid shouted, and the group split up, Miles, Theo, Blaise, and Draco taking one to themselves, as Daphne and Pansy looked for another one to board.

As the boat swayed in the water, he saw his brother greeting Hagrid as well, shaking his giant hand. Alongside him, an all-too-familiar redhead stood beside him, gawking at the half-giant. Oh no. He thought. Of all the people in that train, why'd he have to become mates with that bloke? Ron Weasley? Really Harry?

At last, all the first years had boarded the boats, safely for the most part, although several students had managed to topple headfirst into theirs, nearly falling into the lake in the process. Hagrid, who had a boat to himself, shouted, "Right then, forward!"

The little boats all moved off the shore at once, gliding smoothly across the lake. Miles peered over the edge, wondering if the Giant Squid could see them from the depths. Everyone was quiet, still taking in the castle overhead, towering over them.

"Heads down!" Hagrid yelled as the boats reached the cliff, and as they all ducked low, their boats carried them through a curtain of ivy, which had hidden an opening in the cliff face. They made their way down a dark tunnel and reached a sort of harbor under the ground. Leaving their boats, the students clambered onto the wet rocks and pebbles of the shore.

The students walked up a flight of stone steps after Hagrid, who'd returned the toad, who had made yet another escape attempt, to the boy who'd been attempting to wrangle it under control. "Everyone here? You there, still got yer toad?" He asked. They all nodded, including the boy, now clutching the toad tightly to his chest. With that, Hagrid knocked three times on the castle door.

Miles adjusted his robes and ran a hand through his hair nervously. Blaise put a calming hand on his shoulder, though it was clear that the taller boy was also dealing with nerves. The six of them stood together, facing the wooden door. This was it.

Harry stood with Ron in a small chamber to the side of the entrance hall. They'd been greeted by a tall, stern-faced woman with kind eyes, wearing emerald green robes, whom he knew as Minerva McGonagall. They followed Professor McGonagall, or Minnie, as he'd taken to mentally calling her, out of the entrance hall. There, she'd given them a speech about Hogwarts and the sorting.

After they'd been sufficiently frightened by the arrival of the ghosts and had exchanged words with the lot of them, the group made their way to the Great Hall through a pair of double doors. 

There was an audible gasp as they all walked in, their eyes taking everything. Thousands upon thousands of candles were floating in the air, and beneath them, four long tables crowded with students. Harry looked at the faces staring at the lot of them, lit by the candles. The ceiling looked exactly like what the sky would have by now, but he knew it had been enchanted to look as such. 

Professor McGonagall placed a four-legged stool in front of the first years, and atop it, she placed an extremely frayed and dirty wizard's hat. Said hat, just as the first years had somewhat gotten over the initial awe of stepping into the Great Hall, started to sing. 

After the Sorting Hat had finished its song, which Harry supposed was to introduce them to all the houses and their characteristics, the sorting began. The first students stepped up and sat on the stool, the hat on their heads. The hat would shout the name of the house the student was in anywhere from a few seconds to a couple of minutes later.

Hermione, a girl he'd met on the train was sorted into Gryffindor. As was Neville Longbottom, who accidentally ran off with the hat still perched on his head. Harry recognized, to his disdain, Draco Malfoy, as well as Miles' other friends, as they were sorted into Slytherin. At last, McGonagall called his name. 

"Potter, Harry!"

Instantly the hall burst into conversation. Harry could hear the murmurs of the other students, picking up a few snippets of conversation as he walked up to the stool.

"Another Potter?"

"Why isn't he mentioned as often as the other one?"

"I've never heard of another Potter, is this a joke?"

Harry sat on the stool and faced the shocked students, and saw the dawning realization that this was in fact, not a joke, just as the Sorting Hat was placed atop his head, blocking his vision. He waited, having been told by Remus how the sorting process worked. 

"Hmm, difficult. Very difficult. Plenty of courage, I see. Not a bad mind either. There's talent, A my goodness, yes — and a nice thirst to prove yourself, now that's interesting... So where shall I put you?" The small voice emitting from the hat questioned. 

Harry took a deep breath. He knew the decision he was about to make was one he'd have to stick with for the next seven years, but he didn't mind the prospect. Gryffindor. 

"Gryffindor eh? Are you sure? While you'd do well in any house, I believe your potential would be harnessed the best way in Slytherin." 

Gripping the sides of the stool, Harry thought. I'm sure. I want to be in Gryffindor house. 

"Very well then. If you're sure, it better be — GRYFFINDOR!" The last word was shouted to the rest of the hall, and as the hat was taken off his head, he was greeted by a reluctant round of applause. Professor McGonagall smiled at him. 

"Well done Potter."  

He walked to the Gryffindor table, gratefully smiling at the Weasley twins as they shouted "We got Potter! We got Potter!"

Harry sat down and made eye contact with his brother. Miles was staring at him with a curious expression on his face. He seemed confused as to whether be sad or proud. Harry nodded encouragingly. He had an inkling of where his brother would be sorted, but seeing Miles' reaction now, he knew for sure. 

They shared a smile, and McGonagall called Miles' name. "Potter, Miles!"

The hall erupted into yet more murmurs, as Miles made his way to be sorted. 

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