« Altercations »

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Chapter 25


Miles stared at the bulletin board in the Slytherin common room. "Dueling club huh?" he murmured to himself.

"Yeah," Blaise noted, coming to stand beside him. "Are you planning to go?"

"Couldn't hurt to, might be interesting."

"Draco thought the same thing. Will you meet us in the common room tonight then? It's the first meeting."

"I'll be there."

Miles went down to breakfast early after meeting Blaise, intending to pay the library a quick visit. He planned on coming in the evening, but apparently, plans had changed. His classes had been dull, at least, until Potions came around.

Professor Snape had instructed them all to make their best attempt at a Swelling Solution. An easy enough Potion, and Miles serenely chopped up his ingredients and stirred his cauldron while needed, keeping up an idle conversation with Theo.

At least, that was the case until Miles heard a slight whistle through the air. Eyes wide, not able to do much else, he seized Theo by the collar of his shirt and dragged him in under the table with him.

"Hey, what're you-," Theo tried to protest.

There was a great splash, and Miles heard what was likely a potion showering the class as well as the top of their table. The sound was immediately followed by an outburst of shrieking as the Swelling Solution landed on students. 

Deciding it was safe to come out, Miles got out from under the table, helping Theo to his feet. "Thanks," the other boy sighed, eyes wide as he took in the pandemonium around them. 

"Don't mention it," Miles shrugged. 

Draco had gotten a faceful of potion and was at Professor Snape's desk, receiving a Deflating Draft. Goyle, groaning, with his hands over his eyes, was being given a similar treatment. The rest of the students were in nearly identical states of disarray. The Professor was a scarlet-faced mess, glaring around at the students. His eyes landed on one in particular. 

Miles followed the professor's gaze, which was directed at none other than Harry. Sure enough, a smug smile was on his brother's face, though for a mere instant as his eyes made contact with Miles'.

Miles shook his head, mouthing, Why?

Harry just shrugged. 

The class was pronounced over after Professor Snape made them clean up the classroom. Miles stalled with putting his items in his bookbag, waiting for Draco to come back to their table. After that, he helped him clean up his station, and the two went up to the Great Hall for dinner.

"Did you see who did it?" Draco asked immediately after they'd exited the dungeons. 

He hesitated, though he knew that it'd be better if Draco heard it from him than anyone else. "It was Harry," he muttered. 

Draco growled. "Potter, I knew I shouldn't have bothered with being nice to him."

Miles shook his head. He couldn't even blame the other boy. Draco had been the one to reach out and visit him in the hospital wing with Dobby. He'd even spent the night underneath Harry's bed until his brother had told him he could come out, for fear of getting them both in trouble. And still, Harry had to go do something like this. Why? 

Harry made his way to the Great Hall a while after dinner that evening. A notice for the dueling club had been posted, and Ron as well as many other Gryffindors were interested. Harry, as well as Hermione, had been excited to go since a dueling club could only be good for them given everything going on with the attacks.

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