« Uncertainty »

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Chapter 17


The summer had gone by much faster than Harry would have liked, something he was surprised to find himself admitting. The year before, Harry couldn't have been more excited to leave the house and go to Hogwarts. Although he loved the castle and would enjoy the new term, home had become a much more pleasant place.

There was a time around mid-term that Harry had come to think of Hogwarts as his home, but this summer had changed that outlook. Hogwarts would still be a home to him of course, as well as Potter Manor. Things had changed, what more could he say?

He knew that Lily and James had honestly tried their best to give him attention, but with Dumbledore practically breathing down their necks Harry could understand why it had been difficult for them. Now though, it seemed the old man had laid off a bit, or perhaps he'd found something to busy his time. Good riddance.

Their trip to Diagon Alley was yet another example of how things had changed in the Potter household. It was an unspoken agreement that Harry would accompany them, and he was allowed to choose whatever he wanted, just like Miles had always been able to. They went to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor as well, but unlike the last time, any silence that the family experienced was comfortable rather than awkward, a pleasant change. 

The real twist happened when they entered Flourish and Blotts however. Harry walked in first, Miles right behind him and their parents following shortly after.

"Well, I'll be! If it isn't Miles Potter!" A booming voice greeted them. 

Harry turned to see Miles immediately attempt to leave the store but to no avail. Wizards with cameras had converged on their group, as well as a startlingly large amount of people. Harry couldn't recall the shop being half as crowded as it was last time. 

A man pushed his way to the front of the crowd wearing a set of extravagant robes. He had wavy blond hair and upon making it to the boys flashed a smile that reminded Miles of the people on some of Sirius' old magazine covers. 

"Miles, it's a pleasure to finally meet you," he said, putting out his hand for Miles to shake. 

Miles hesitantly took it. "You as well... Mr. Lockhart."

Yes, Miles knew of Gilderoy Lockhart. Being famous in the wizarding world meant that you needed to know your peers, though it had always been a little awkward for Miles. All the witches and wizards who'd made themselves household names had worked for it, even Mr. Lockhart, though according to Remus the man was a total fraud. Miles, on the other hand, hadn't had to lift a finger to get to where he was today. He hated it. 

Lockhart's gaze shifted to Harry. "And who's this lad?"

"My brother sir, Harry Potter."

"Harry Potter," Lockhart repeated, trying the name out. "How would the two of you like a picture?"

"Well, we-" Harry started but wasn't able to finish. 

Lockhart ushered the two of them towards the back of the shop, where a sea of cameras surrounded them. "Yes, yes, I'll take a photo with you two, anything for my fans." 

Miles looked at Harry as the man said this, already knowing what to expect in his brother's eyes. Harry was sporting an expression of complete incredulity, and when he caught Miles' eyes on him he mouthed, Why are we doing this?

Miles couldn't help but grin. Welcome to the world of fame little brother, he mouthed back.

Harry scowled at the last bit and turned to face the cameras. It wasn't anything new for Miles, so he was able to smile with no problem. Harry, however, wasn't used to the flashing lights, and Miles knew for a fact that the final pictures would showcase a pained smile on his brother's face. Lockhart, one arm around each boy, was milking in the moment of course, and still acting as though he was doing them a favor. 

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