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Chapter 11


The Thursday after his first potions class, Harry woke up excited about what was to come. They were going to have their first flying lesson today. Ron had some of the best stories that his older brother Charlie had said from the time he played on the Hogwarts Quidditch team. 

Flying a broomstick and playing Quidditch was something Harry had always wanted to do. Miles had made an effort when they were younger to attempt playing it with Harry, but they never had very long. In the time they had though, Miles had taught him how to fly a broom and even managed to sneak a Quaffle outside so they could practice passing.

What he hadn't known was that you had to be a second year or older to join the Gryffindor or any of the house Quidditch teams. That had dampened his mood slightly, but he was still excited about the lesson, despite already knowing how to fly. He made a mental note to ask Madam Hooch, their instructor if he could borrow one of the school brooms on occasion. 

The only thing that he wasn't looking forward to was the fact that they had it with the Slytherins. Ron agreed with Harry's theory that it was all Dumbledore's doing, but the old man either didn't know or didn't care that this would likely end up in some form of an all-out brawl between the students. 

On top of that, he knew it was unfair to judge the whole house based on their reputation, but he didn't like anyone there, except Miles. His friends were among the worst in Harry's opinion, especially that bloke Malfoy. He couldn't understand how Miles put up with him. However, based on his observations, Malfoy was practically Miles' best mate. 

While the situation wasn't ideal, he wasn't going to let it ruin the lesson he'd been looking forward to the most. With that in mind, he made his way outside with Ron and the other Gryffindors, the two enthusiastically talking about their favorite Quidditch plays. 

The Slytherins were already there, along with Madam Hooch. Harry had been hoping to get a chance to talk to Miles, but he was surrounded by his group of friends, and Harry wasn't going to get anywhere near that lot if he could help it. Ron had told him about all their backgrounds and their parents, information which he suspected Miles knew already. 

He hadn't been speaking to his brother lately, though it never seemed to be the right time to. Going over to the Slytherin table at mealtimes wouldn't do any good, he suspected they would despise the idea of a Gryffindor coming over to their table. As for the classes they had together, Miles was again with his friends, whom Harry did not want to interact with. 

He knew he could approach his brother quickly and ask if they wanted to meet in the library or anywhere really, but he never did. As much as he hated to admit it, maybe he didn't want to see or talk to his brother anymore. Miles had been good to him, but so were Ron and his brothers, and the rest of Gryffindor house, which treated him a lot better than those Slytherins did. 

They started the lesson, and as he'd expected, his broom practically threw itself upward into his hands when he shouted, "UP!"

The girl next to him, Hermione Granger, was struggling, as it seemed her broom was fighting to keep itself on the ground. "How are you doing that?" she asked him exasperatedly. 

"I'm not sure, it just happens I suppose." It was the truth. Harry wasn't sure how he'd managed to get the broom in his hand, he just expected it to go up and it did.

Ron made no attempt to hide his laughter beside him. "Looks like the know-it-all doesn't know it all after all!"

Hermione looked hurt, and Harry felt a little bad. "I can try-"

"If you don't mind Hermione, may I help you?" It was Miles. 

"Yes please, I'd appreciate it." a relieved expression appeared on the girl's face. 

Miles proceeded to help her out with mounting her broom. "What I do, I imagine the broom soaring up into my hand when I say up, then just waiting for me. I'm not sure if that'll work for you, but it's worth a go."

"Up!" Hermione shouted, but the broom stubbornly remained on the ground. 

"Put some more emphasis into it, like you're trying to tell the broom how much you want it to listen."

Hermione nodded and looked at the broom uncertainly, no doubt feeling foolish at the idea of talking to a broom. But she complied nevertheless. "UP!"

The broom came soaring into her hand. "Good on you!" Miles congratulated her, giving her a hug, which Harry noticed she happily returned. 

Jealousy rose up in him. Why couldn't he have helped her? Why was it that Miles seemed to be able to do everything that Harry couldn't and more? He sensed Ron stiffen up beside him, though didn't know what his reason was for glaring at his brother. 

Miles took Hermione with him to the Slytherin side, and Harry expected them to be scoffing at Miles' actions. To his surprise, they seemed perfectly okay with it, smiling and greeting Hermione as though she was a member of her own house. 

"Of course," Ron muttered.

Harry turned to him. "Of course what?" 

"She doesn't have any friends in our house so now she's gone and made some with the Death Eater scum."

"That's not fair Ron, she's nice enough. Besides, that lot who you're calling Death Eater scum happens to include my brother, who was the one who got rid of Voldemort in the first place!"

"Don't say the name. I'm not saying she isn't nice, she's just a know-it-all."

"That's not a bad thing mate."

Miles was hovering inches above the ground with all the other students at Madam Hooch's instruction when Neville Longbottom had lost control of his broom. So many things had followed that Miles wasn't sure what had happened. All he knew was that Neville most likely had a broken wrist, judging by the fact that he whimpered when he had to move it. Poor lad. 

He spotted Draco making his way across the grass and picking something up. It was a clear glass ball. "Looks like he dropped his Remembrall. We ought to give-"

"Drop it Malfoy!" Harry was storming towards Draco, looking livid. 

Ron Weasley was next to him. "Yeah, that's not yours!"

Miles knew Draco had been meaning to give it back to Neville, but something in his demeanor changed. "Why don't you come and get it, Potter?" he spat out the name.

Miles flinched. This wasn't going to end well. "Draco stop!"

The words had just left his mouth when Draco mounted his broom and soared up into the air. Harry mounted his own broom and chased after him. The rest of them were on the ground, as Madam Hooch had told them to stay there. Miles looked up to see them exchange words, and then Draco threw the Remembrall behind him. He landed on the ground next to Blaise. 

"What were you thinking Draco?!" Blaise exploded. 

"Sorry... I couldn't help it. He gets on my nerves." he turned quickly. "No offense Miles."

"It's alright. I didn't like what he did just there either. He shouldn't go assuming the worst of people."

They were so busy talking that they forgot what became of Harry. Before they knew it, he had landed and dismounted, clutching the Remembrall. Professor McGonagall had appeared out of nowhere and escorted him into the castle, telling the rest of them that they were dismissed. 

As they walked back to their common room, Miles wondered how one lesson could cause so much chaos. Why did Dumbledore have to pair them up with the Gryffindors? 

Hey everyone! That's two chapters in the past two days, so I hope that'll be enough for this week. School's off to a rough start, but I'm going to try to make sure that doesn't interfere too much with the writing of this story. Just thought I'd let you all know. 

- Max

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