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Chapter 18


It was a joy to be back at King's Cross Station. This time, Harry saw several familiar faces, something that was still a new sensation to him. He tried to keep close to his parents and Miles but was scanning the crowd for Ron and Hermione all the same. 

Miles on the other hand wasn't even trying to stay close to Lily and James. He was constantly disappearing into the crowd and returning with a sullen look on his face. 

"You'll find your friends eventually Miles," James grinned. 

"I know but I don't want to search the whole train for them like last time."

"Alright," James conceded. "Go on then, we'll make sure we say goodbye."

Miles wasted no time getting lost in the crowd once more, and Harry shook his head fondly at his brother's antics. Things were still a little tense between them, but for their own sake and their parents, they attempted to remain on good terms. After all, they didn't see one another all too often at school, so they were going to treasure whatever time they could get.

At last, Harry spotted the Weasleys, all sporting flaming red hair. He grinned as he made his way to them, Lily and James following suit. Molly wasted no time in enveloping him in a hug, and the look of surprise on her face was unmistakable as she realized there was no need to fuss over him. She turned to Lily and James, and Harry thought she was going to comment until she closed her mouth, seemingly thinking better of it. 

The adults moved over to the side, and Harry caught snippets of his father and Mr. Weasley talking about the Ministry. Why was it that wizards always talked about the Ministry? Surely there was only so much they could talk about before the conversation ran dry. 

He turned to Ron. "So, how was your summer?"

"Alright I suppose, nothing special."

Harry nodded. "Likewise."

In truth, he wasn't sure why they were going about asking one another about their breaks when both knew full well they'd spent the majority of it with one another. They would alternate, with Ron coming over to Potter Manor and Harry going over to the Burrow. He personally preferred the latter, as it was always a pleasure to see all the Weasleys. 

He greeted Fred and George, who naturally proved to still be up to their usual antics. Ron's siblings Bill and Charlie were there as well, and Harry caught up with them. Percy, pompous as ever, made a great show of shaking Harry's hand, unaware of Fred and George doing impersonations behind him. 

It was the last Weasley sibling that caught his attention. Ginny was hiding behind Bill and Charlie, seemingly trying to pretend she wasn't there. 

"Alright Gin?" he greeted her, peering around Bill and Charlie, who seemed to be unaware of Ginny's presence behind her.

She sighed and stepped out from behind her brothers. "Hello, Harry." 

"What were you doing back there?"

She shrugged. "I thought we'd end up talking on the train."

He nodded. "That's fair." 

They all exchanged a few more words as the parents came over and started greeting one another's children. Mr. Weasley brought him off to the side.

"Any word from the Ministry Harry? About what happened last year?"  

Harry didn't what to say, because in all truth the Ministry had made no attempt to contact him. He didn't see why they had to though. Dumbledore was firmly adamant about his being Headmaster of Hogwarts, and it was common knowledge among the students that he was constantly reminding the Ministry of that fact. 

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