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Chapter 22


Harry froze upon making it around the corner. After running in the direction of the voice, Ron and Hermione in close pursuit, he wasn't sure what he'd expected. The voice had said something about being able to smell blood, though Harry had somehow brushed that off. All he knew was that someone was in danger and he had to do something about it. 

Now, in the corridor, they saw it. Words, visible through the darkness by the torchlight. 'The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir, beware.'

Harry was only beginning to process what that meant when Ron jolted him out of his reverie. "What's that thing hanging underneath?"

They drew closer, and all three recoiled in shock. Mrs. Norris, Filch's cat, was hanging, stiff as a board,  by her tail from one of the torches on the wall. 

Harry gasped and heard two identical ones coming from Ron and Hermione on either side of him. "Let's get out of here," Ron said, turning away. 

Harry was unsure, wanting to run for help, but it wouldn't look good to be here. Of course, Nick could testify that they were at his party, but the whole thing looked like a very rushed job. He didn't want to be blamed for anything, and besides, he'd heard dark things about the Chamber. Remus and his father used to whisper about it as they looked over the old map they used to use in school, wishing they could find it and plot it.

As they made to leave though, the sound of students coming up the stairs came from either side of them, accompanied by the usual happy chatter. That faded into silence as they made their way to where the three of them were, and everyone crowded around them. 

He supposed he should have expected the following events.

Filch came over, and upon seeing Mrs. Norris, fell into a fit of hysteria, and immediately blamed the three of them, namely Harry, for what had happened to her. Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape followed. 

McGonagall was simply stunned by not only the writing on the wall but also the state of Mrs. Norris. Dumbledore was trying to calm Filch as well as the rest of the students down, and for the first time, Harry was thankful for the old man's presence. 

After Lockhart offered them his office so they could sort out everything out of the eyes of the students, Snape had to put his two cents in. He had no proof whatsoever, but since Harry was James Potter's son, of course, he had to be responsible for every bad thing that happened around the school. The jealous prat. 

At last, they were dismissed, and Harry silently thanked Dumbledore. For whatever reason, the old man had helped them out, though Harry wasn't sure why. Dumbledore despised him, he could have left him at the mercy of Snape, who would take great pleasure in deducting 100 points from Gryffindor each, as well as a month's worth of detentions. 

As they were making their way back to the common room, Hermione paused, looking thoughtful. "Harry?"


"Why do you suppose they thought it was you?"

Ron cut in. "Well Filch just went mad because of his cat, didn't he? And Snape... well..." He exchanged a dark look with Harry. "He'd take any excuse to get us in trouble."

"I don't know," Hermione said, still pondering. "Snape looked awfully angry when Draco mentioned Harry being the Heir of Slytherin."

Ron scowled. "Draco?"

Hermione flushed. "Yes, Ron. That's his name."

"Back to the point," Harry interjected, not wanting to deal with an argument with the two of them now. 

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