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Chapter 19


Miles was worried. They all were. Harry hadn't joined them through the barrier in Kings Cross Station, and for whatever reason Lily and James couldn't go through the other side for a good five minutes. 

He'd gone on the train, hastily exchanging goodbyes with his parents and the Weasleys, as the latter attempted to comfort the Potters. The train ride was spent with his friends consoling him once they found out what was happening. With the exception of Draco, who considered admitting he was worried about Harry to be nothing less, or for that matter, worse than torture.

They made it to the grounds and were taken by the thestral-drawn carriages up to the castle. Miles had never seen them, but Sirius had informed them they were there and had given a description of the creatures, which Remus used to create a sketch to give Miles a better idea of what they looked like. 

They entered the Great Hall, and watched the Sorting, as the nerve-wracked first-years stepped up to be sorted into their respective houses. Slytherin welcomed the new additions to the house, and their group made room for the new additions at the end of the table. 

He scanned the hall now, searching fruitlessly for Harry, hoping that perhaps by some fluke he'd made it onto the train after all and that he just couldn't spot him among the throng at the Gryffindor table. He looked at the entrance, hoping that his brother would walk in at any moment, claiming to have been held up for a short while. 

But Harry didn't arrive. Worried, he waited until the feast was over before making his way to the head table as Professor McGonagall was leaving. She'd come to the feast late as well, as had Dumbledore and Snape. He hoped that was because they'd found Harry, and perhaps that his brother just hadn't been able to make it to the feast. 

"Professor, a word please?"

"Mr. Potter, I was expecting you," she said, amused. "Your brother is well."

"That's a relief," he said. "What held him up?"

"That's a matter I believe you should discuss with him. Now, I must speak with Professor Dumbledore. Off you go."

And he did, wondering when he'd be able to ask Harry what had happened. 

Miles went down to the dungeons and made his way to the suite. Upon opening the door, he was greeted with a very agitated Draco.

"Of course, Potter had to show off!" he said, pacing around the room. 

Theo and Blaise were sat in armchairs, doing their homework, though occasionally glancing up to watch Draco's antics. 

"What's going on here?" Miles asked, unsure if he really wanted to know the answer. 

Draco pointed at him accusingly. "Your brother that's what!"

"What did he do?"

"He came to school in a bloody flying car!"

Miles just stood there in shock. He glanced at Blaise, hoping the other boy would indicate that Draco was exaggerating the situation. Granted, he wasn't sure what kind of situation could be exaggerated to that extent. Blaise nodded, affirming his suspicions. It was true.

"Is he okay?!"

"Of course he is!" 

Miles made his way across the room and sank into his own armchair. "What's all the fuss about then?"

Draco huffed, then sat down defeatedly on the armrest. "I dunno."

"If I didn't know better Dray, I'd say you were jealous."

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