Ch 35- The brother

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Andrea Buffet

I don't know if I was angry, insecure, in fear or in pain, but one thing I was sure of, that the feeling that prevailed the most was that of curiosity. Curiosity to know the truth.
The other thing I was sure of was that even if what I thought was true and he was my brother, I would not be happy.
It would just add a broken piece to the picture of my family.
I have always been broken by the places where I should have found safety.

"Look Andrea, your father is here.Let's respect the guest, bring a chair." He looked at me but with his finger pointed at my father.
"He's your father too." I angrily responded.
"Oh you are wrong dear. I'm not that brother of yours that died when you were a child. " I looked at him confused. If he is not my brother then why did he call me little sister? What game was he playing?
"What are you talking about?" I tried to ask normally, but my voice betrayed me and it came out stuttering.

He took a knife in his hands from one of his men and while playing with it in his hand he came to the chair where my father was currently sitting.
"Let me tell you a story." He said as he placed the knife near the neck of the one I called father.
He tried to move in defense, but in vain. Although his lips were tied, he tried so hard to scream, the fear he felt could not be avoided without being noticed by everyone.

"Your mom hated your dad because they were forcefully married, but your dad on the other hand was very much in love. A love that made him drowning in jealousy, that's why when your mother met his close friend, fell in love with him. The bastard fell in love with her too." He said turning back at me. Then he paused, somehow sticking the knife in my father's neck, causing a drop of blood to fall.
I would be lying if I said that I felt bad for him, he deserved every moment of suffering and beside that the cut was not very deep. He was more like trying to scare him than hurting him.

"Both your mother and your father's friend forgot a very small, but important detail. That he was married and above all, that he had a child. "
His eyes began to redden slowly as he continued to speak. "To make matters worse, your mother became pregnant and gave birth to a son. Your father was so proud, he finally had the heir he had been waiting for so long and boom, then he found out the truth. Do you know what he did?" He asked as he got closer to me, looking into my eyes.

"He killed my brother. "I responded with my voice trembling.
"No, that was after. He raped her. Then she became pregnant again and stupid your father thinking that this child was finally his." I froze. Then i turned my face at my father, looking at his terrified eyes. 

"Ding dong Andrea, the bells finally rang. Whatever you're thinking in your head is true." He rose to his feet and put a smirk on his lips as he twirled the knife in his hands.
I was trying to process everything so quickly, but again I couldn't accept it. He has always hated me and only now I understand why. I was not his daughter. I was just one more of his toys to take revenge on my mother.

"Do you know why I called you little sister? Because I am the son of that man with whom your mother cheated on her husband.
I'm that boy who because of your mother's fault and his." He stopped, turned to my supposed father and pointed his finger at him. "It's their fault that I remained orphan. He not only killed my father, he made it look like suicide."
I didn't know how to react, tears began to come out slowly, until they fell down the bottom of my cheeks. My whole life has been a lie, built on games and manipulations.

"And I hated you more than anyone." He turned to me and I raised my head in surprise. I could understand the hatred he had for Samuel Buffet, but for me? His eyes filled with tears as he angrily spoke. "Until his last breath, the only thing my dad talked about was how wonderful his daughter was. He was willing to do anything to get you back. Even if he died. Although he had never known you closely."

He walked a few steps away, then turned around and started kicking a wall column several times before turning back to me.
"I was his son!" He yelled making me and Hazel flinch. "His legitimate son, and he again wasn't willing to fight for me the way he would fight for you and your brother. He once told my mom that we were both a waste of time. If it wasn't for us, things would be different." He continued yelling.

He stopped then and the silence fell as he put his hands on his head, coming around, the knife still in his hands. Then I decided to break the silence, since curiosity was eating me from inside.
"Why is the flesh so important to you? Why didn't you just kill Samul?" I asked.

"Because there is a video where he kills my father. To the world, my father is a businessman in debt who killed himself. While there is the truth. A truth that I will tell the world." He took the flash in his hands and put it in the laptop, waiting for it to turn on. "Then I'm going to kill the great Samuel Buffet and make it look like a suicide."

"What if your father really killed himself ?" Hazel blurt out the question and he looked at her suspiciously.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"What i said. What if he killed himself because of the pain, seeing his son die. "She responded.
"I have seen the video and Samuel made your father believe that he lost his son. Then he lost the woman he loved. And in the end he killed himself." She continued as he rushed over and grabbed her by the jaw forcefully.

"YOU ARE LYING!" He screamed and then he walks over to Samuel, throwing the bandage out of his mouth. "Tell me the truth, she's lying." He ordered him as he put the knife firmly to his throat again.
I turned my eyes to Hazel and she looked at me with sad eyes.

"She's saying the truth. You can watch the video.
I didn't kill your father, nor your brother. I just made a game to get to get him down, without getting my hands dirty." He explained, making him even more angry.
On the other hand, a strange feeling woke up inside me thinking that my brother was still alive. But where was he? The questions in my head kept coming and increasing even more.
I was about to ask, to extinguish them, but he didn't leave me time and spoke in before of me.

"Where is my father's son?"

"I gave it to a friend of mine, Sam Salvador." He said and my eyes widened in shock. I then looked back at Hazel. Is this what I think?

"NO! NO! NO!" He kept denying and got to the laptop as it was now finally opened. He looked for some time at it and then said.
"Anhriel Rose, you bastard. I have always had it under my nose."

"Keep your mouth when you talk about my husband. " Hazel protested. She was not surprised at all, she knew.
Then the man who was dressed in a gray suit finally made a move approaching her and slapped her.
"Don't touch her !" I shouted as he chuckled under his mask.

"I've always wanted to do this, since you left me to go back with your husband." He said and like Hazel did, I raised my eyebrows in confusion.
He laughed and then began to remove the mask more slowly, until the next second I could see his face.

"I introduce you to my right-hand man, Troy. Even though I have my doubts that you may know him better." The one that was supposed to be my brother said.

"How!?" Hazel asked in disbelief.
"Well, you were supposed to die, but you shot a hard bone, something that apparently runs in the family. Because you lived, someone saved you and I pretended to be your boyfriend so that she wouldn't report you to the police. The whole story I told about me and the sister who saved you was a lie." He explained.
"Well people say:- Keep your friend close, but your enemy even closer." He finished the sentence and Hazel was still shocked. Me too. Everything was happening very fast.
"You're a bastard, Troy." She blurted out.

"Don't you dare insult me. You who..." He was about to finish the last word, but then a strange noise started to be heard.
It was coming from the sky.

One of their men came running and said, more like shouting. "They are coming by helicopter!"

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