I Think...I Like Him

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Luis POV

He moved faster than I could comprehend. His long strides took him from the sidewalk to us in a matter of seconds. He harshly pushed my father away from me. "What the hell gives you the right to hit him?!" Another hard push and my dad fell to the ground. August towered over him. "Lay a hand on him again and you'll be losing it." His voice was low and serious. He began walking away. His face was red with anger and his hands shook trying to hold back the urge to pummel him. "Who are you? You don't have any idea what this family has been through!" My father stumbled as he brought himself up from the ground.

He scoffed as he regained balance. "Luis is probably just using you." He motioned towards me. That was it. August flipped around and stormed towards him. "August!" I yelled after him. That didn't stop him in the slightest. His fist came flying through the air and hit him dead center of his face. My father fell backwards but was able to stand up again. He went to hit August but he quickly dodged and hit him low on his stomach. That time my father must have gotten the breath knocked out of him and he went tumbling to the ground. August took that as an opportunity to get on top of him landing punch after punch.

"August!" I rushed over and grabbed onto his shoulders trying to pull him away. He shoved me away making me fall onto the pavement. I hissed in pain as the blood came out of the palm of my hand. "Ouch..." that stopped him. He looked back at me and his eyes widened. I held my bleeding hand closely to my chest inching away from August. "Luis..." He got off of my dad and came closer to me. "No, stay there." I held my non-injured hand up signaling him to stay back. He stopped but only for a second before he stepped forward.

"Luis...I'm sorry..." He dropped his head down. For once it's not me. I glanced over at my father to see his breathing was labored. He didn't move at all not in the slightest. Thousands of things flooded my brain. Do I help him? Do I call the police? Do I just...leave? I sat and stared at my father laying there. He's an asshole. He's ruined mine and Val's lives for forever. He's an alcoholic with some serious anger issues. For god sakes one of his "episodes" if you could call it that, landed me in the hospital. But he hasn't always been that way. He used to be this amazing dad who took us to the zoo and made us pancakes every Sunday morning yet as soon as my mother got sick...he lost himself. For the first couple months it was ok. He was still him, the same old guy who loved his children to death. When she got really bad he did to. He started to drink not and more and eventually I couldn't even remember he last time I had seen him sober.

I was pulled from my thoughts by a light pressure on my cut. August was completely focused on my hand with a serious look on his face. He pressed a dish towel to the palm of my hand. When did he go get that? I watched him carefully as he wrapped my hand making sure not to squeeze my hand to tight. "Can I take you to the hospital?" He finally looked up at me with worrying eyes. I bit my cheek and sighed. "No, it's fine. The cut isn't that bad." He didn't back down. "It's not bad? It's gushing blood!" I picked myself up off the ground with August following my every move. "Cuts on hands always bleed more." I began make my way into the house. "Please let me take you!" I shook my head mumbling a no. I walked down the small hall and opened the door of the bathroom. I hadn't packed anything away in here yet. Only the hair products out of the shower and our toothbrushes.

I opened the top drawer pulling out the large plastic bag that contained ointments and bandages. August watched as I struggled to open the bag. "Let me help you..." he cautiously walked towards me reaching his hand out for the bag. I huffed and handed it over to him. "Which ones do I need?" He sifted through the bag looking at the different items. "The antibiotic one and the rectangle gauze thing. Oh and that wrap stuff." He nodded and got the things out of the bag placing them all on the counter. I unwrapped the towel from around me hand and threw it into the trash can. Its all bloodied and useless now. I instructed August on what to do and he listened and did almost everything perfectly.

"Now, take the gauze and place it right over the cut." He nodded and lined it up placing it down. "Good, now take the wrap and put it around my palm but not to tight, ok?" He nodded again. His eyes were so focused it was almost comical. He slowly wrapped my hand making sure to ask me multiple times if it was too tight. "There...all done." He took a step back to admire his handiwork smiling to himself slightly. "Thank you..." The look on his face when I said those simple words was adorable. His face lit up but he tried to hide it failing miserably. "Mhm." He hummed. He placed the items back into the large bag sealing it shut. "Should I go put this in the car?" I nodded as I flexed my fingers making sure that I could still move them freely. He turned to leave but I stopped him. "August...why did he show up here?" He didn't turn around but went dead silent. "August..." he turned his head slightly. "I came to help you pack." I gave a simple Ok knowing that that was far from the truth.

I got up and decided that nothing else in the bathroom was worth me taking. I went out to the front to find Val standing there with an amused look on her face. She noticed me standing in the doorway and gave me a smile. "Who did that!" She pointed to our father who still laid still on the ground. " Are you that happy about it?" She nodded her head enthusiastically. "Hell yeah I am!" I gave her a disapproving look. Not because of her being excited about our father being beaten to a pulp but the fact that she cussed. "Don't cuss Val." She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "Ok MOM." He shook my head once again. "Ok but seriously, who did that?"

"Are you blind?" She stuck her tongue out at me and looked around. "He did?!" Her expression changed from happy to mad. "Why him?! I don't like him! But now I want to!" She stomped away into the house. "And pack the rest of the things in your room!" She waved me off. She found out. I look towards August and I sighed. I hate him. I hate him so much that...that I think I like him.

Hello!! I hope you are all enjoying the story so far! Bye for now lovelies <3

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