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Luis's POV

"Luis?! Luis Murphy?!" That blonde mop of curls bounced over to me with a a huge grin spread across his face. I sat in a booth pressed up against the window of the restaurant. I had been waiting for Val for over twenty minutes after she repeatedly told me she was almost here, which is obviously a lie. I hadn't seen that blonde boy ever since we moved. Soon enough a smile was plastered on my face as well. "Huck!" I began to get myself out from between the table and seat but before I could he grabbed ahold of me and pulled me into a tight hug holding my shoulders tightly. I hesitated for a few seconds before returning the hug. I could feel my self relax more and more into him. He had been one of the few people I was close to before we moved. I can remember so vividly the first time we had met.

A few years ago

"Hi!" The yellow ray of sunshine sat next to me. "I'm Huckly! But you can call me Huck!" All I did was nod. It's not that I am antisocial but he was way to energetic at eight am. His hair looked almost yellow and his bright blue eyes were soft and caring. "I'm Luis." He beamed and pulled me into a hug. I didn't make a move to return the hug. Who hugs someone they just met?! All I did was give him a small smile and turned my attention back to the teacher who was talking about the quadratic formula. It's too early for math...

Present Day

It was such a simple meeting yet we managed to stay friends. "How've you been man! Why didn't you stay in touch?" He released me from the death grip of a hug he had me in. "I've been...ok. Sorry I didn't keep in touch but life has been...eventful." He nodded as he listened to me. "Are you back just for a visit?" I motioned for him to sit down with me in the booth. Val will just have to deal. "I actually moved back here." His eyes beamed again. "Really?! That's amazing! You can't get away from me this time! You're stuck!" We shared a laugh. I felt so happy. So happy that I was talking to someone who I hadn't seen in years. Someone who I genuinely missed. "How have you been?" I asked once we calmed our laughing. "Good. Been busy applying to college. I actually got accepted to the one I wanted!" I gave him a big smile. "That's amazing! When do you leave?" He thought for a second. I could almost see him counting in his head. "In about two weeks, but it's close to here so I can come back whenever I want. It's PUC." Pacific Union College. It's about 45 minutes to an hour away so not far compared to others. "Have you gotten into any of the colleges you want?" I froze. I haven't applied to any. I should have right? Fuck. I really can't believe I didn't think about applying for college. "I'm not sure yet." Was all I said he just nodded his head and looked out the large window.

"Is that Valentina?!" Her short curly hair blew behind her slightly. The door jingled signaling she entered. "I'm here!" She got to the table we had been sitting at and stopped dead in her tracks. "Huckly?!" They both smiled widely. Huck got up and gave her a tight squeeze. "Look at your short hair!" She shoved him into the booth so she could sit down as well. "I just got it cut a few weeks ago." He tugged on one of the strands. "It looks nice! Now you two look identical. We both rolled our eyes in unison. That made Huck laugh once more. How is he so care free? He always is smiling and laughing. I envy him for it. Huck was almost like a big brother to Val. I was always glad she had him to count on when I wasn't there. We talked for another hour and half before Huck got an angry phone call from his mom. Apparently he was sent to pick up food and never came back. I apologized to her saying it was my fault and I think that smoothed it over considering the fact that his family always loved Val and I. It was nice being able to talk to him again. I didn't realize how much I missed him until I saw him again.

We said our goodbyes to Huck both of us hugging him before we parted ways. "Oh! Before you guys go, I wanted to tell you something." Both Val and I stopped walking and turned around to look at him. "I met someone, and I was wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner sometime and meet them. And see my family of course." I grinned widely. "Absolutely! Heres my new number." He put the digits into his phone. "I'll text you, ok?" I nodded and gave him one last hug before he left. "I really did miss you Huck." All he did was chuckle slightly. "I missed you too." And with that we both went our separate ways and I couldn't wait until I got the text to go see his family and partner. Huck is an Alpha yet he doesn't really act like it. He never flaunts it or try's to push it at your face but when I hugged him I could feel the overwhelming amount of excited pheromones coming from him and I knew that I smelled like them but I honestly didn't care. I am too happy about see him again to care.

When Val and I walked into the house my Aunt and Uncle were both sitting at the kitchen island with sad faces. My mood immediately changed as I walked towards them. "What's wrong?" I choked out. My aunt look at me and opened her arms for both Val and I. We went towards her into her open arms. "Lu..." I could feel the pain coming. "August..." I froze. August? What happens to August?! I stood there with wide eyes awaiting the horrible news. "He was in an accident-" I jerked back. "Where?! Where is he?! Is he back home? Or here? Is he ok? What happened?!" The questions flowed out of my mouth. "He was on his way back to his house. He got hit. The hospital he's at it and far away-" I grabbed my car keys off the counter. "What's it called?! Tell me!" I screamed at them not even meaning to. My aunties looked at me with sad eyes. "Saint Taylor." That's all I heard before I was out of the door sprinting to my car. He has to ok. He's ok. Right?

Hello!!! Sorry for the sporadic updates! Hope you are enjoying the story! It will be ending soon not sure how many more chapters but not many! Bye for now lovelies <3

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