What? Can You Repeat That?

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Mrs D Steele
There are days when you just know someone knocking at your door at 4 am frantically is not a good sign well this one was one of those days. It has been a while since I have been called upon to do much for my neighbors or my community. I am the owner of a large orchard and I have a lot of staff. My children have left for the bright lights of the city. Hell I don't mind that at all my farm and orchard has always earned us all a great living it is self sustaining. We have people who work it and live in their own homes. They pay nothing to live here and earn a great salary by doing so. My family left all of this to me. My husband died in a wreck during a snow storm and I raised my three sons and three daughters on my own. Raymond Steele gave me Raymond Jr was my little man of the house, Roger and Cameron were his assistants. My daughters were beautiful angels snicker yeah right. Carla was a haystack hump okay that wasn't nice at all, but it was true. Birth control was my first thought when I found her with Jacob's boy Tom, after that Dick and Harry came visiting. I think they took turns on the hay bales. The horses wouldn't eat that hay. Can't say I blame them at all. There there was Lily the one who had loftier goals than haystack humping. She had her sites on the richest guys in our town. Too bad the richest person in our town was me. Last but not least Grace her plans included becoming a doctor of all things. But hey she was always good at school.
So they all left for better pastures or streets as you might say, because they went to the big city to find their futures. So I was shocked to see (ok not so much) sheriff Lewis and the minister come to give me the news about Carla and that I needed to drive to Seattle to handle things and bring a suitcase to stay until things were settled up. Now I don't like mysteries in my life. I might read them and watch a few in tv, but dammit I am not going to Seattle at this time of morning without knowing the damn reasons why. So they told me. I called Elvis my right hand man to give him instructions and write him a check for what will be needed in the next weeks until I get things settled in Seattle.
Sherif Lewis
When we got the news of Carla Steele dying in childbirth it came as no surprise to us that she had been involved in things that caused her death, the dr was not giving us much information except that she had twin daughters and they finally found her correct identification. He wanted to discuss things with Mrs Steele and not with a local yocal.
Minister Smith
I came along for spiritual sport, who am I kidding I am who our town comes to find out the local gossip. What else is there to do in a small town that is growing smaller by the day. I ask Mrs Steele if there is anything I can do, including maybe going with her for moral support. Who am I kidding again my wife left me and Mrs Steele is a young hottie and wealthy. Okay that is exactly why my wife left me. I cheated on her with the wife of the mechanic in town. My car broke down and she was there. I was nearly defrocked until her other male friends came to my defense.
Sheriff Lewis
You keep that wiggler in your pants boy, Mrs Steele is a lady and a widow now mind your manners. She has raised six children and think that thirty eight snub nose will keep her safe and warm on her trip to Seattle. She's the best shot in town now that Ray is in the city. Make you take your conceal carry license mrs Steele.
Mrs Steele
I sure will, now I need to get in the road. Minister stop bothering to flirt with me, because you just don't get my waters flowing if you get my meaning. Now blow off you sinner. I leave in my new BMW that Ray bought me for Mother's Day. It has all the bells and whistles. I place my seat in the right position and put the destination I want into the GPS. I think it is going to take eight hours to get there. Dr Cindy Brown is who I need to chat with when I get there. I can't believe the gas prices as I drive this gas gobbler to Seattle. I should get an economy car. I think I will while I am up here. I wonder if my children are awake yet, probably not the time differences and all.
Dr Brown
Mrs Steele finally makes it to the hospital and I really don't want her to see her daughters body, but she has to identify it. So I take her to see it and to my astonishment she isn't surprised to see her daughter in the condition she is in on the table in front of her.
Mrs Steele
Dr that is my Carla we need to get her cremated as soon as they can release the body. I try to be strong because Ray would want me to be in this situation but I will bawl my eyes out when I am alone. A tear tries to free itself but I catch it quickly.
Dr Brown
There is more, please follow me. I lead her to the nursery and introduce her to the two beautiful baby girls who are her grandchildren. The babies that were nearly beaten out of their mother if it hadn't been for a young man and his friends who stopped the guy from hurting her further. I explain everything and tell her that they survived because a young man came to their rescue.
Mrs Steele
Are they healthy?
Dr Brown
Very healthy, she took good care of herself during her pregnancy. They didn't catch the guy who did this to her, but they have witnesses who gave a description. Once the body is released you can make arrangements for her body. Since you are the girls grandmother and we have no idea who the father of the babies are you are next of kin. We need you to sign papers to accept custody of them or to give them up for adoption your choice. I hand her the documents and she reads through them and signs them.
Mrs Steele
Let's go bond with my grand babies. I guess they needs names as well right?
Dr Brown
Yes ma'am they do, just something strange but I feel the need to call her ma'am and it is from respect and possibly she has a military vibe about her. A regimented and commanding presence. She picks the girls up looks them over and names them. Anastasia Rose Steele and Annabelle Sterling Steele she gets all the information on them and their birth and if they have any health issues or things she might need to know before leaving the hospital with them. She asks where she can be so she can be close to them.
Mrs Steele
Thanks for finding me and taking care of my grand babies. Do you know the young man's name who saved my grand babies?
Dr Brown
A Carrick Grey was the young man, his date saved them actually. He and his friends just stopped the guy from hurting your daughter further. But they got her here very quickly. If you want I can give him and his girlfriend a call and tell them you wish to thank them for what they did for your daughter and grand daughters. I set her up in a room with her grand daughters and she wants Billings number for the hospital bills so she can pay them.
Carrick Grey
I get a call from the dr that was on duty when Grace and I drove the young pregnant woman to the hospital after she was being attacked luckily a few of my friends were with Grace and I and helped chase the guy off. Grace gave orders to get the car and the blankets so she can try to save the mother and the babies. We had just gotten engaged and we bumped into our friends at the restaurant. Dr brown asked if we could let mrs Steele thank us for saving her grand babies, so I now know the young woman didn't make it.
Grace Trevelyan
Carrick called to ask if I could go with him to meet mrs Steele. I check my schedule and I tell him it is good and I will meet him. I have four hours between my boards to get my medical license. So I head to Seattle Grace hospital. and meet Carrick at room 412 and we enter together seeing a women who looks like she is 40 if that holding her granddaughter talking away to her.
Mrs Steele
Are you the couple who saved my grand babies? They look like good people, young but good people. I introduce myself and my two Ana's to them and I ask if they want to hold the babies they saved that night and I see a tear in their eyes as they hold each of them. I hand them something that I picked up to thank them. I ran a background check on them after learning about them and got them gift cards that can be used for their college expenses. It is worth every penny to me. I ask that they not open the cards until I leave with my grand babies and daughter this afternoon. They leave and thank me, but it is me who should thank them. My grand babies lives are worth more than the ten thousand dollar cashiers check I gave each of them to help with their educational costs.

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