Christmas Day

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Mrs Steele
The day started early for those of us who were creating the feast and assuring the gifts were under the tree. I might have went overboard this year, but it was my money and I gave things that were needed and some wanted. A computer was given this year and since I had security cameras placed all over the property we needed a office to monitor everything. That was how Gabe found out the appraiser was out there. The babies didn't really understand Christmas yet so they got the normal gifts from me.
I get up and help grandma Daisy out and I notice everyone is working today. I hear grandma barking orders at her children and their spouses and the little snooty's are doing everything told and no longer thinks they are above it all. Lily is no longer barking orders at me or my siblings. Aaron is loading gifts under the tree at Ray's instructions as Ray himself decorates the living room. The living room is huge and every sofa is broken in.
Mrs Steele
Things were going very well and the meal was finally done and we cleaned everything up and we finally go and the gifts are passed out. I didn't expect anything but I got gifts from everyone a few homemade. I had Gabe distribute my gifts to our staff and hope they enjoy them. My donations were delivered the night before all the men went out to do that. Anastasia and Annabelle are truly enjoying their toys. Ray jr and his family are enjoying everything I gave them,  Aaron and Lily along with the two kids aren't thrilled at all. Luckily I placed the receipts right on the top of the packages inside the envelopes. The other children and parents even if it wasn't something they liked appreciated the efforts. I put the receipts in envelopes for them as well. I mean after all I don't know their needs or wants after they have been gone for so long.
The computer was waiting in my room after I got back to it. Grandma Daisy told me she didn't want to stir trouble up. She handed me a key to my room and said I can now feel like it is my room and no one can come inside it without my permission. Aaron and Lily were watching everything we opened up. I already got an earful from Lily and Aaron about not being related to the Steele's and I would be kicked out as soon as they owned the place. What none of us knew is that Grandma had the house wired for security purposes and it was recording the whole conversation that time and when they tried to force me to leave. She brought me into her office and showed me the videos and told me that Lily and Aaron won't be an issue. She then produced a document that was her will and my name and my siblings name were in it. Then a trust fund was set up for each of us. Her attorneys had advised her to get her will written and leave her company and her properties to who she wanted to or everything would go to her immediate family. The twins would be at whoever's mercy and she can't have that. Aaron and Lily proved to her how right her attorney's were. She is leaving something to the couple who saved her daughters twins as well. She handed me their names and addresses and her attorney's numbers. If something happens to her she has a few thoughts as to what she wants done.
Mrs Steele
I bring her behind the desk and show her my companies net worth and the women and men who run it successfully for her.
Then she points out the staff that live in the other homes on the properties. She wants me to know various things and I will be learning more about the running of the orchard and farm soon. Gabriel will be helping me learn things a little at a time. The computer is meant to help me keep up in school and keeping an eye on things that could cause issues down the line. She then showed me those snakes Aaron and Lily spreading dissension amongst her other children and using me and my siblings as well as the twins as a reason to find her unable to handle her own affairs or mentally incompetent.  I look at the screen and she tells my my computer is hidden in a new wall unit and she hands me a key for it. She hands me something and tells me to keep it sealed and make sure to give it to the sheriff if she dies. He will know what to do with it. She wants me to learn how to shoot and get my carry conceal license. I don't even have to ask after seeing just her companies newt worth. She says Ray jr is working for one of her companies and works hard at it. He could have started working for her but he wanted to do it all on his own and he did. If I can trust anyone it would be him. She will assure me who else to trust of her staff soon.
Mrs Steele
I am exhausted by the time we get done on my giving her the reasons I want her to know everything. To know it will assure that she, her siblings and the twins are not left homeless because of her children's greed. Ray bought her something she will like better than the BMW. A GOAT vehicle. This one she loved and told him to stop being so extravagant on her gifts. He gave his wife a beautiful necklace and his children educational gifts and he gave the others nice gifts as well. The income and bonuses he gets are pretty good as are the rest of upper management.

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