Things Get Heated Up

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Waking up to Daisy is great but not with another man next to her. I just can't see my life including another man in the bed with us. But she refuses to choose either of us. We are all basically platonic friends. She is a firecracker for sure and don't make her mad.
I hear you thinking over there and I am not going away. But you feel free to leave though.
Just couldn't let me sleep in could you? I am going to take a shower you both need to get one as well. Go find your bags and shower. I need my space and a nice shower. I grab my clothes and head to shower, I lock the bathroom. They aren't getting a look at my sixty plus sexy body of mine. Lmao in my dreams. Six children a hernia surgery and let's not forget when I was shot by a burglar and had emergency surgery. It was a real mess. Lost part of my kidney from that. He shot me, but he died from my shot. Lead poisoning right through his head. Grandma don't miss when she aims her gun and shoots. I finally come to my senses and get dressed after washing the grime off. I brush my teeth my hair after drying it. Then I put on my clothes and I was hoping to go downstairs alone. That is not happening, I doubt the law would look favorably on me if I shot these to and put them out of my misery. So they escort me down the stair holding my arms to assist me down the stairs. Of course we make a grand entrance. I look at Anastasia is asleep under the blankets on the sofa with Christian Grey. It isn't a bad match, but not sure about him after the monopoly thing he started against me. But I understood where it might happen sooner or later though. I was actually paying taxes to keep a sheriff in a town I basically paid everyone's salaries. We had our vagrants occasionally but we solved those issues. Then the shooting and it was in self defense. Cctv footage proved that. They were after me and unfortunately they timed the attack at precisely the right time. So they had been watching me for a while.
I feel eyes on me and I see several men my age eyeing me and Anastasia and I uncover myself and Anastasia wakes up feeling the eyes on her. Suddenly the men are demanding to know what happened and why wasn't she in her bedroom asleep.
Where I sleep and who I fall asleep beside is none of any of your business. I don't know how often I have told all of you this, but I am not interested in any of you. I happen to know that the main reason you are chasing after me is you think I am going to inherit as an heir of the Steele's. If I do inherit you won't see a dime of it even if we marry. Prenuptial agreement baby boys. No Steele money for you guys. I wave bye at them. Already have the prenuptial agreement ready and waiting.
They know that I hope. If they don't we can show them it in full and see how much they chase you knowing they won't get a nickel. Oh I think it is pancake time. I smell them cooking now. Let's cook and get the table set. The house starts getting in line and the food is cooked and done.we had a lot of house guests and they all came to breakfast. It is the perfect family and friends breakfast and cleanup. We follow through and the whole house is cleaned from top to bottom. The decorations are put away and the trees are boxed back up. All are placed in the storage areas. We have supper and say goodbyes and that they are all welcome back at any time. The people they want to see might not be here, but they don't live in this house. I bought this place as a holiday party and event home. I actually stay in a tiny home next to it. The rest of the family can stay inside the home. Cameron and Samantha are still getting used to the new RV they gave the old one to friends of theirs. I tried my best to get them to stay. The kids wanted to and I offered to let them stay. Cameron put his foot down but they were of age and wanted to stop traveling and set down roots.
Daisy Cameron's daughter
I begged to stay and mom and dad finally allowed me to.
I don't ask to stay I tell mom and dad I am staying.
I follow suit and already have my bag in my hand. Mom and dad are upset, but their life isn't conducive to building any relationships on a permanent basis. I found someone and as soon as mom thought it was getting serious she demanded dad drive a thousand miles away from her. I don't know where the girl is now, but I was hoping we find each other again. Grandma might be able to help with finding her for me. Emma and Daisy go get their things while grandma hands dad an envelope and he opens it up and looks at it and thanks her over and over again. Even mom thanks her for whatever was in the envelope. It turns out to be RV sites all over the US she has turned over ownership of them to my parents. She had invested in them and finally bought them for my parents to assure they always have a place to park and maintain the RV. I am totally blown away, but she always seemed to know what was needed and when. We all need new clothing and she delivered in the closets of the rooms we will be living in. Apparently my parents and her spoke a month ago. They just wanted us to choose and make a stand to stay.

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