Wedding Day

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Jason Taylor
I have to say that Gail has a very protective grandma in mrs Steele. I get certain vibes about where her income comes from, because it isn't from the farm or orchards. She finally calls me into her office with her right hand man and talks to me about things. Gabriel is not just her right hand man he is her head of security. She tells me that just by dating Gail I am at risk. Now that we are getting married it will be necessary for me to know the gravity of the situation. The Steele family have enemies who would kill Gail and me in a heart beat and that we need to keep quiet about our friendship with her. Gail and hr siblings are in her will and she hands me an envelope and tells me keep this in a safe place. Then she hands me the envelope with Gail's trust fund information and an attorney's name to be able to get the trust fund if needed. She then hands me a cashiers check for twenty thousand dollars and says it is for our beginning. We are both welcome back here anytime we want. Tobias and Denise are still here and they will miss Gail and so will everyone. She is in tears and she says you already know who you are marrying and I know you are going on assignment. Gabriel has assigned coverts to protect you both except when you are in battle. I think you and Gail should know about all this and be alert. Welcome to the family Jason she hugs me and says stay safe. I leave and I show Gail what mrs Steele gave me and she cried. We get married and get a safe deposit box for the envelope containing mrs Steele's will. We open a joint account and deposit the cashiers check.
Jason told me everything that he was told and then he told me everything he had found out in his own about the Steele's and he told me that staying safe is going to be our life. He said she might not have done us a huge favor by taking us in, because of the dangers involved but her heart was in the right place. Leaving Tobias and Denise with her was the best idea for now. I have learned so much by living with grandma Daisy. The first thing I buy is a high end computer system and install the programs I needed to keep in contact with everyone I need to. I have been taught some amazing computer skills. Things that I will need. I found out that Aaron and Lily were given money to go away, but they had to sign documents giving up any money after the will is read. Under covers still protect the family. I know what grandma Daisy told me and I also know for now Tobias and Denise are safer where they are. We sent wedding day photos to Grandma Daisy. We are family no matter where we are in the world. I visit my father's grave. It was in a very nice graveyard and Jason told me it was probably the best in the area and he showed me where they keep the grounds well maintained, so Grandma Daisy pays for the upkeep of my fathers grave and head stone all year round. Jason and I moved to his next assignment. So I was left as he went out on assignments. He was not allowed to call any time he wished. I was also not allowed to know anything about his job.
My first assignment was black ops, they found out my skill sets were such that I was placed in black ops and trained as a sniper, computer hacking and chemical warfare and bomb tech. I was able to get out of situations and was able to prevent them. We were taught how to survive anything and everything. We were taught how to tell the differences between poisonous snakes, plants and other creatures. We went all over the world. I have been gone for six months and couldn't contact Gail. I walk in and my wife is cooking something. She turns around and she's pregnant.
I see Jason and I tell him surprise you are going to be a father in a month or so. He pulls me into his arms and apologizes for not being around. Then he says he only has a week and then he is gone again. He is worried about my being alone when the baby is born. I tell him that we have a good group here that have had babies and they are here for us pregnant women whose husbands are away. Plus I might get a visitor when I have our child.
Daisy is coming to be here when you give birth?
I believe so. She has been hinting that she would be. It will be nice and school will still be out when the baby gets here. So the kids will come as well. With you being gone a lot she wants to assure we are safe, He rubs my baby bump and the baby kicks his hand and he smiles.
I have to leave a week before the baby is due and I can't get out of it. I am the only one qualified for this assignment. I might not get back for over a year. So I recommend that Gail go back with Daisy to the Steele estate. It was three am when I kiss Gail goodbye. Daisy arrived just in time and they get Gail settled as I leave and Daisy arrives. Everyone else is at the hotel and Daisy has movers waiting to take my wife home. They stay long enough to get an all clear for traveling for Gail. Apparently they got to the estate and called the doctor to check on Gail. Two weeks after they were there news of my son arriving got to me a week after his birth. I was lucky to get that, but apparently Daisy has connections.
I was a bit worried about traveling during my pregnancy, but grandma Daisy was prepared for it. She brought two very comfortable Rv's she hired drivers to do the driving and brought medical people just for me and my baby. Which of course she considers her great grandchild. He waited another two weeks after the five day trip across country to get back home. We had to stop at RV areas to do the maintenance of the bathroom and water areas. Plus a few other issues. She bought the RV's new and hired an experienced RV person to come along with us to assure we had someone with experience with them. It went smoothly but it also takes a long time to get it done.
I was so thrilled to see Gail and I am going to be an uncle.
I was with Gail when her water broke, I do not want to give birth ever.
The baby is so cute, he is tall and thin and bald. He cries very loudly.
I don't see why they like the baby so much, I finally got a look at him and touched him and grabbed my finger. He cooed at me and smiled. He likes me I think. I rub his tummy and Gail smiles and says he loves his auntie.

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