Gone But Not Forgotten

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Grandma was right about Aaron and Lily and it was just the beginning they found someone to have a competency hearing before they even arrived at the house. Too bad they had no idea the others would visit her as well after her call to them. It was a battle between them. Aaron and Lily had recorded and edited certain conversations between grandma Daisy and them. What killed their case was the others were not on their side along with all the full recordings of the conversations that finally ended the hearings. That is when they realized they were set up. Ray jr gave his mother a heads up about Aaron and Lily. They used me, my siblings and the twins as to her being competent. The judge laughed and told them that they had no grounds and loving kids and helping kids in need is not being mentally incompetent. It actually shows you are competent and caring.
Mrs Steele
I am not worried about this because I knew about it just after these snakes arrived in my home. Well I played the recordings about them plotting this from the moment they arrived in the house and found everyone in it. We had the cctv cameras installed in the main house and the barn house, but I have other cameras in areas they can't see it doesn't invade private areas video wise. I had those wired for sound. The horse barns need cctv so they are there along with all the farm and orchard areas. I spent a lot on the equipment and no one has located the security house and if they do my security team isn't doing their jobs right. A billionaire needs to cover her ass. Carla was an unfortunate victim of her boyfriend's effort and paying me back. He is in prison for life now. One of the few things that I needed to stay in Seattle for. Thanks to Carrick and now Grace Grey's eyewitness testimony along with other things he was given life without parole with special circumstances. The security team on Carla was bought off and they are no longer able to find jobs in the security and bodyguard field. If I could put them behind bars I would. I hired undercover protection for all my kids and now their family. My team on Lily suggested that I need protected from her and her husband. I have it. Lily and Aaron really have no clue who they are dealing with. Most people don't, I mean in these times my farm and orchards are doing great, but my company is where the real money has always been. And I am here for a competency hearing even the sheriff thought it was a real joke. I am glad only a few knew that I look like a gentle kindly grandma Daisy, but I am so much more than that. Raymond was killed by our enemies. The change of my name to Steele and we made things appear to be sold to the Steele family. It was necessary to hide who my family really is. I think how sad I was when Raymond was taken from us. The killer had no idea that Ray was never in charge, but damn he looked like he was. I still get hot and bothered thinking about the first day he arrived at the farm selling a new kind of apple seed. Both Carla and Raymond will be missed but never forgotten. I got news that the father of the twins has began trying to locate them. Something tells me he is not going to stop looking for them. Just where was he when Carla was being murdered? The hospital can't divulge anything and won't hopefully. I kept someone around to keep me informed regarding the babies father's identity. I personally don't want to give them up, but if it is a nice guy trying to do right by his children I might have to rethink allowing him to know them. But if it someone who was aware of who Carla's family truly is they're probably looking for a huge paycheck. Anyway while I am sitting here bored out of my mind listening to Aaron's and Lily's attorneys saying that I am no longer able to handle my own affairs and they should be in charge of me and my assets. I think I saw the judge laugh and cover it with a cough. That's right judge they are a true comedy act aren't they. Three days later the judge dismissed the case and told Lily she just lost her family. He told her that helping people in dire need is not considered mental incompetence.
Judge Stewart
Maybe her and her husband should help others instead of trying to help themselves to her mothers fortunes. Fortunes that were hard earned. They should work as hard earning their own money rather than try getting mrs Steele's money. They should also try not spending beyond their means. If you bring her in front of me again for frivolous actions in hopes to take everything away from her so you two can live the life of Riley. I will see what jail time you will serve and place your children in foster care or even better under your mothers care. I think they would be raised to be better people than you two. Guess Lily was the bad apple in the bunch huh Daisy?
Mrs Steele
I think so, but she is still young she might change. I hope. I walk out and lean over and tell Lily and Aaron their will be restraining orders against them and served as they leave the court room. They are not welcome on my property and will be arrested if they are found on it.
The rest of the family and I walk out and watch as the restraining orders are served. They look surprised but the server had to force the papers into their hands and he walked off and so did we.

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