A Promise Kept

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I sit by my daughters bed and recall thinking that mrs Steele was being scared by her own shadows. It turns out that she knew more than she could tell me. She told me that I trusted too easily and she was correct. I look at my princess and the man she loves both sleeping him holding her hand as he has his head on her bed. Her head is bandaged after surgery, I hear the word lucky and lucky to be alive one more time and I swear I will go for their throats. With Jason Taylor's help we hired a head of security for Kavanagh Media. Then he brought in Barney and a guy called Welch to make all security aspects are now tight and we are secure their will be training to which they introduced me to and I hired them immediately. I found out some things and at this point I can't make my move on the people, but we have people watching them 24/7. Family can't always be trusted. Leila has proven that by her actions. Trying to kill Miss Steele was just part of her actions. After finding out about Kate a bomb was found delivered to our mail room. Luckily they were able to disarm it and we closed down the building until they checked for other bombs. We had to find another way to print things or shut down. Of all people to step up it was both Daisy Steele and Christian Grey. I had no idea that both had investments in Media and reached out to help out at this moment of desperation and need.
I have had to handle a few things and left to do so. My skills were needed to help set things up at a temporary spot. Eamon my be good in the boardroom but I am good at the rest of it. I am now aware that we can't believe that we are going to be safe after this, but people that are helping us really shouldn't be after everything that happened. Because it was us that put them in danger by trying to assure our family and friends were able to socialize with them. We are well aware that we can't trust our family or friends anymore. This is sad. You would think being in our business and knowing how bad the world is out there after reporting such heinous stories we believed it wouldn't touch us it was an arrogance that I will not have again. I can't attest to my other family members that seem to believe no one would dare cross a Kavanagh. Too bad we now know better.
I feel awkward being here by Kate waiting for her to wake up. I just need to know she is okay, I finally had to go to work after going home to shower. I tell Eamon to call me if she wakes up or if there any major changes. I doubt if he will, but just maybe he will. I tell Kate to wake up because she is missing so much and she is loved and needed back amongst the living. I kiss her cheek and leave. I finally make it to work and am surrounded by everyone wanting everything at once. I tell them one at a time and each one gives me his issue and by evening we have a few things back to normal. I need to hire someone or a few someone's to fill my shoes while I am gone. I don't know if I can forgive Kate but I can try, but I still have issues with her about ignoring things.
My head is hurting and I hear noises but nothing is making sense to me. I can't open my eyes to look around at anyone. There is nothing but blackness and unfamiliar noises. I feel someone moving my body and not much more. I remember something but it is fuzzy. My eyes are open but it is all black. The people making noises again as they say a term I understand. Blind is the word. It is the only word I understood. I think I am in the hospital, but I can't be sure because I can't see but the smells seem like that when grandma Kavanagh was in the hospital before her death. I hear a familiar voice and wished to God I could ask her to stop talking. Mia that's the name that sounds come from. I am told that I might never see again by someone and that is something I did understand. I refuse to believe that. I am still having issues of understanding these people. My headache is still bad and my understanding is still unclear. I recognize smells and my hearing is good it is just my understanding of things.
Three days later
I walk into Kate's hospital room and she is being examined by a doctor and her eyes are open but something is off about them. I wait until we are alone and go sit by Kate. I pick up her hand and at first she pulls her hand away but I say it's me Elliott.
I thought it was the doctor getting too friendly and pulled my hand away. Then I hear a voice a soothing voice, but I still can't understand voices and words are still not clear to me. I let him hold my hand and the smell of him makes me feel safe. I know I am blind but I don't understand the issues with not understanding the voices.
I tell Elliott they are going to be doing a brain scan today, because she can't understand anything she's asked. She is aware of being blind though. The doctors think there is something wrong with the previous surgery and they need to go back in and repair what they find. They are running a ct scan in the next hour and then go from there. She will be in a medically induced coma again. They hope it helps but they can't guarantee she will ever be better.

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