A Christmas Dance

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Grandma Daisy left us all to our own devices and Ray and Constance took charge and the caterers started clearing areas for dancing and a band came in and people started dancing to every kind of music. Christian came and got me and danced me around the room as I laughed because he was keeping me from the wolves who were asking me out all night. I told them I was still in college and really needed to concentrate on my books to take my finals and that was very true.
I take Anastasia around the floor as the guys chase trying to be next in line to dance with her. There are other single women here they aren't as beautiful as Anastasia. They are also not as beautiful as she is, well her and her sister. I like Anastasia and Annabelle is giving Kate a run for her money. Her parents are sending Ethan to charm Annabelle and keep her away from Elliott but it's not working and Kate is trying to keep her cool, but it's not working well. I can't ask Taylor to intercede but soon Elliott took Kate out of the room and they came back arm in arm. Annabelle finally gave up and danced with one of the wolves. I think my parents are having the best time ever. We have never danced on Christmas evening it is great. This is a wonderful party. Grandma Daisy and her family brighten up any room their enter if they don't they sure know where to draw the line in the sand.
Mrs Steele
You two are shameless following me to my bedroom. Come in and let's chat shall we? I care about both of you, but you both bring a lot to the table and I just can't chose one over the other one without hurting the other and I won't hurt anyone. I know you two have better choices than this old woman in your lives. I enjoy both of your company and you enjoy mine, but I am one person, I can't turn into two people so you can both have me.
I understand and I can share you with that old buzzard. If you can stand it I can.
Can you be my attorney and my companion as well?
Dr Charles Robinson
Who you calling an old buzzard? I am younger than you. Oh goodness, well Daisy I guess you will choose one day right?
Listen I like you both but right now I am exhausted and need to sleep. You can wait until I wake up in the morning and go downstairs and dance go home or sleep somewhere yourself. I suddenly feel them both lay down beside me. What are you doing?
I am going to sleep.
If he is going to sleep in here so am I to keep it honest.
Oh just go to sleep you two. I need to sleep. Don't wake me up either. I finally fall asleep under the covers and each of them laying beside me. I slept very soundly.
Kate stood her ground and definitely made a point. Her brother the psychiatrist asked me to dance with him, but I declined. I can't deal with this anymore so I go find the room I am assigned for tonight. After finding the room I see my suitcase and lock the door and get into my bed. I am too tired for much more than that. I suddenly hear a noise in the bathroom, there's a light on in there. I open the door and standing there naked is Charles Robinson jr. I unlock the door and run to the room next door and carry my suitcase in their lock the door and turn lights on and check for any one in the room. A suitcase was in the room. I open the door quickly and place the suitcase outside the door and lock the door back again. I hear the suitcase being taken and hear the other door lock after it was closed. It seems like we both had a similar suitcase is all it was and her hadn't checked it yet. All a big mistake. The next morning boy did we get a huge surprise. Grandma Daisy came down arm in arm with her doctor and her attorney. All of we watching while we all started creating breakfast for everyone.
Christian and I fell asleep in front of the fire talking about different things. We were under the blankets taken out of the ottoman. Everyone moving around woke us up. Christian had been trying to buy the Steele company but he couldn't find the owner to talk to her. He had tried to create an issue with her monopoly in the town after she became the only employer there. It failed when she broke up the companies and put others in charge and they were the biggest stockholder. So it was a way to stop the monopoly suit.
Your gram other is brilliant you know this right?
Of course I do. She has a good reason for everything. She might not tell us everything but she tells us what we need to know.
You are aware that you have been very lucky to have her as your grandma. Gail, Tobias and Denise got very lucky as well. They had no way to bury their last parent and the story is that the funeral home was trying to get them to buy the most expensive burial package when they had no way of paying for a simple one. Your grandma interceded on their part. She saw how poorly they were dressed and she got guardianship of them and then paid for everything for the burial along with your mothers cremation. She moved them down to your home and it goes on from there. Not many would do that for someone and Gail being the oldest was trained by your grandma to do a lot of things and she has came in quite handy for things I can tell you about. We have a very young IT head he started at 14 years legally, but he was quite young when he started helping us computer wise.

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