Chapter 10

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It had already been several days since Mk had been taken away. I still have no idea where or who is keeping him away from me.

I've technically locked myself in my lap, forcing myself endlessly to keep working so my mind never thought of him. It still did.

I never really figured out why, I just knew I was worried about him. This was all my fault. I shouldn't have brought him here in the first place. I knew Macaque would most likely be here, I knew Macaque was tricking Mk. I knew they wanted Mk.

We've known about Mk's absorbing power ability for awhile now and we came to the conclusion he had no idea about it, taking our powers like he didn't care at all for his own being. We knew we got drained of them, but he never used the power. He used Sun Wukong's though.

I know he gained the powers upon touching the staff and Wukong choosing him as his successor, but he was weak. He absorbed so much he became much more powerful, because he wanted to be.

I came to the conclusion with other demons at some point that he obviously couldn't control it and he could only use it upon wanting something. Doesn't really matter what at this point in with power capabilities. When he feels the need for power to defeat something or someone is the strongest one.

He's stolen mine before, and Macaque's. Mostly Wukong's. He's weaker. Me and Macaque easily trained our power back, but we could never figure out if Wukong knew about it or not and if he could get his own back.

We captured Sun Wukong after Macaque tricked him too, as Mk, a distressed Mk. Macaque had led him somewhere where power was weak, any type. The location was not told to me. Wukong could not fight back when Macaque captured him.

That was before I felt so warmly about the noodle boy, and I didn't care if he was harmed or taken. But now it has infuriated me. He didn't deserve the pain my father gave him. I hope he didn't break anything like a bone.

I felt exhausted after everyday of forceful work, having fixed my ship, made so many more bull clones, and other machines that are unneeded. I fell down on the floor today, about to just fall asleep right there

It wouldn't have been the first time I had done so, I've done it a couple times before. Even before Mk.

My mother or father had come to check on me, I guess they really were both mad at me. My mother always had a low temper even if it wasn't as bad as my father's.

That's what I was thinking, but I heard my door open and I snapped back awake.

"Red Son?"

I noticed it was my mom's voice, immediately sitting up. "Yes, mother?"

"Why're you on the floor?" She walked over and i couldn't tell if she was worried or not.

I paused, getting up and clearing my throat. "I've had a long day. Sorry." I muttered.

She stared at me, then moved her arms behind her back, "Well, me and your father are... apologizing about our behaviour these last couple of days. We- he, made some mistakes."

I stare in shock at her, not knowing whether or not to believe her. Then something rose in my, something hot and steamy. My hair slightly lit on fire. "You leave me in here, barely remembering to send any servants to feed me, for days! I- I am hungry mother! I haven't even gotten my plate yet tonight!" I yell, not even giving her enough time to speak, but her lips are parted and she looks stunned. "I bet you have done nothing to help me either though! You probably just listened to father, went by his rules. Why can't you be the one to actually care for me?!"

"Son, no, I didn't ever mean it that way. Your father was the one in charge for food—"

"Of course he fucking was!" I yelled, and she shut her mouth. My hair was a bigger flame."Did you not notice him forgetting to feed me?! You sit at that dinner table and not remember about your son locked in his room and lab, probably upset?!"

My mother started to glare, "You have no idea what you are talking about, boy!"

"Yes, mom. Yes I do!" I clenched my fist and my hand caught aflame, something awoke in me. It blinded me too. I don't even know what happened, but next thing I knew I was on top of my mother's limp body, my body in flames. We had moved far away from where we were originally standing.

Her iron fan was feet away from us on the floor, like she had tried to defend herself.

Tears start to swell in my eyes and the heat dies down around me, flames stop blazing as I scream.

I don't know how long or how loud I screamed but next thing I knew I was being dragged away from my bloodied mother by metal hands. My vision was fading from both exhaustion and the tears streaming down my face. There was someone huge hurrying over, father. He was yelling, but I could not understand.

I lash out a little in the metal arms, falling to the floor. I sob loudly, hands over my face and fingers digging into my skin on my forehead, leaving red marks when I bring them off. The Bull clone was standing beside me now, but I was no longer aware of any thing around me any further than that bull clone.

That heat was still there, something more powerful than my own flames. I've never felt it before but it felt so familiar at the same time. I couldn't stop crying so i had no way of thinking what it could be, but I knew this power. This power was mine. I harmed my mom with this new power.

I hurt my mom.

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