( S1) Beginning

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Wow, it's really foggy today.. I thought to myself as I was walking through the graveyard. Today nobody was in it, surprisingly. It made me kind of paranoid that something was going to jump from a tree and scare me.

I stopped in front of one particular grave. It was my mother's. 

I picked up the old and dead flowers and placed the newer ones on it. She used to love Blue Hydrangea's. 

" Hi mama.. It's me again. I'm sorry I couldn't make it last week, I got too caught up in moving. " I smile softly. " I'm finally moving! I know you would be proud of me. You always dream of us moving to the city and well.. here I am.."

I didn't want to move. I have to though, I can't really afford rent here anymore since its just.. well, me. Nine and a half years of being in that hellhole of a house.

" I would be more cheerful to moving to the city, but Oliver and my stepsister is there. He clearly lost all of his morals since you died. " I try to refrain myself from cursing. She never liked cursing.

" He lost his common sense, and took it all out on me. But hey you know, it's life.. "

My heart towards my father is just as cold as he is to me. Honestly? I hate him. There's certain things in life you can forgive people from ( quoted that from my mother ), but I don't know how I'll forgive him. 

I just don't.

" I have to get going now, before they take my bike. I love you, mama. " I'd kiss my hand, and place it on her grave. I'd turn and walked quickly to my bike.

I take one good long look at this place, then put on my helmet. I turn on my bike, and drove off.

" Cheers to a new beginning. " I told myself.


It felt like I've been driving for forever, but I spot a sign saying ' Highway City, NY. Exit 70B '. Yes! I made it! I turn on the exit after about ten minutes, and I was smacked with traffic. Great.

I look up and see tall buildings in the distance. I think that one is a skyscraper? There's a highway above me, and I can hear all the car honks and angry people shouting at each other.

Yep. This is most defiantly the city.

Finally, I was able to stop at a small deli. It was packed, but the food smelled great! My new apartment was a few miles from where I was now, so it was convenient enough for me.

I got out my wallet as it was my turn.

" Hi welcome! What can I get you? " The man smiled at me.

" Oh uhm.. I'll take a chicken salad sub with a bag of lays. "

" Alrighty! No drink? "

" No sir. "

" Okay then! That would beeee... 5.59, Miss..? "

I smiled, " Frost. Frost Sai. "

// 498 words it took to finish --^. HAAAAA ITS DONE. I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! ^^ \\

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