(S1) You have arrived.

29 1 3

" ___, I can't die! You can't just- Kill me off just yet! "

" I can. And I will. "

" Look, Look. What do you want me to do then? "

" ... Just don't kill them. "


No one's POV:

September 14, 2045

Frost, Kira and Aveen were walking on the streets since today was a slow day. I mean, a very  slow day. Frost was eating some red gummy bears while talking to Aveen. Kira was on her phone texting. She was completely oblivious to their conversation. Aveen then snatched her phone out of her hands.

" Hey! Give that back!! "

" No way! You've barely said a word to us! "

" Yeah! Who are you texting, your boyfriiieeennnddd?~ " 

Frost teased and Kira huffed, rolling her eyes and snatching Aveens cup filled with wine.

" No, I'm not! It's just someone I got linked with online! "

" One, It sounds like tinder. Tinder is for grown-ass adults. Your only nine-teen. Two, I'd like my cup back. "

Aveen said, reaching for their cup.

" Why can't I have some?! "

" Because your under aged! This big-it cup is for big-it people! Unlike you two. " 

Aveen took her cup back and Frost scoffed at their comment.

" Avey, you are going to stop harassing me about my ag-"

The ground suddenly rumbled, with an similar feeling as an earthquake. It threw the three off, and they all let out an surprised yell. 

Then a beam shot out from the middle of the road, causing a ruckus with cars. The beam disappeared and for a moment two people was in the sky, then they hit the ground suddenly near the hole. 

Frost was shocked. A huge crowd of people raced to the scene. Kira and Aveen tried to push and block them.

" Call HQ Frost! They aren't looking so good!! "

Kira shouted.

So she did.


" ... What. No duh they aren't human, they freaking shot up from the ground!! "

Frost said fairly passionately to the doctor. She has got some weird looks from others

" Miss Sai, please keep your voice down.. How about you guys follow me. "

Frost sighs, and nodded. Then She, Kira and Aveen followed the doctor to two rooms. The doctor stood in front of the two, and could see who- or what shot out of the ground.

" They have some minor injuries, but they will be okay. "

Kira nodded. " So why do you sound like that?? "

" Well, we can't identify their blood type. We needed to take some from them to run tests, and it was really difficult. "

" How?? "

" A, how thick their skin was. Every time I cut, it just grew back within seconds or it didn't bleed. We tried the syringe but it broke when trying to pierce their skin. "

" Oh. "

The three collectively said, and the doctor nodded.

" When we finally was able to get some blood, it had the consistency of oobleck, and it was a much, much darker color. Well the male's was. The female's blood was fairly a light red, almost pink color.

The doctor sighs, " We have never seen anything like it. "

" Well, they are alive right? "

The doctor nodded, " Surprisingly. "

// word count: 531

But heeeyyy!! I posted again, wow! Hope you all enjoyed! //

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