(S1) Watch and Learn

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Frost's POV

I see people scattering like bugs screaming, ' OGRE ATTACK! ' I didn't see it at it at first but then it stomped and shook the entire ground. This boar looking thing was HUGE! 

" Aww come ON ! Can't I enjoy my friggin cup of coffee for a minute?! " Kira got up, sounding a tad bit annoyed. She grabbed her cup and went outside. I followed her, confused.

" Uh- shouldn't we be running away from that?! " She simply chuckles and ask, " Can you hold my stuff for me? "  I nod, jumping again because of it's loud roar. She took off her hat and handed me it and her cup. Then, ( it seemed like magic to me ) she pulls out a katana? She pulled it from her flannel, but I couldn't tell because everything was shaking, but it was a dark green, I believe. She then gives me a cocky grin.

" Watch and learn. "

She then knelt down, touching the ground. Her aura started to show, I can see it. It was a light green color, and it was strong. She jumps at the monster. I almost lost my balance.

It swiped at her, smashing a building, but she dodged it, landing on its back. She ran up it as it kept swiping at her, roaring louder than before. Now its backing up into stuff, really trying to get her off. I couldn't see what she did but it stop abruptly as water and green vines started to come out of it's mouth. 

Then it looked like it just dissolves in water and vines. Kira appeared next to me, and I was shocked.


" So, just to clarify one more time.. Your an.. ogre slayer, and that was an ogre beast? " She nods. " And ogre beasts are very common? " She nods again, throwing her cup in the trash.

" If you want, since you've had me explain it ten hundred different times, you can come check out the Hunter Foundation since I'm heading over there. "

I nod, excited.  

She headed over to her bike. It looked so cool! It had on this green fire effect on it. She had put on her helmet and tossed me a spare one she had. I put it on and sat behind her. We drove off, and I seem somethings. This place wasn't all city at all! It had some grass area's to it, some plains, and even a farm with cows on it! 

She stops the bike at this beautiful building. It was a baby peach color with white pillars. " Welcome to the foundation! " She grins at me. We both get off, placing our helmets on her bike. She took me inside and started to show me around.

There so many people, holy shit. So many different weapons, and so many cute and cool outfits! I almost lost Kira before she grabbed my arm and pull me along. I was still admiring the area before I heard an explosion that shook the entire building. Kira sighs,

" That must've been Aveen.. again. "

Then the water sprinklers turned on, causing an uproar with all the people inside as smoke poured out of a specific room. Of course, we were going to that exact room.  

// Me personally- I was feeling a lil lazy doing this chapter

Oh my? second post in one day! 

but I hoped you all enjoyed! ^^ //

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