(S1A) Library Plan

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It's been a few days since the meeting. After it, my mom pulled me aside, and told me a idea.

I'm not sure if it's the best, but it's better than being here, I'll tell you that.

" Thousands of books, and I can't find the one I need! " I groan out in annoyance. I've been in this library for hours, and I'm convinced there wasn't a book to begin with.

" WHERE IS IT?! " I picked up a random book and hit it against my face, groaning.

" Where's what, cherry? " I jump slightly, turning around. My brother, Coco smiled at me. 

" A book. I see your ceremony went well. " I put the book back, and started to look again.

" Oh yeah, It was awesome! Big sixteen, hell yeah! My horns and tail are so cool, I can't put them away!! " I smile at his excitement.

" You should show your horns you know.. Nothing to be ashamed of. Any who, what book you looking for? "

I go quiet, " Well.. Just a simple one. Something for me to read. "

Coco blinks, " You suck at lying, you know that? "

I sigh, sitting down. " I want to leave hell, Coco. "

He stood there, surprised. " Huh?? You wanna leave hell?! Why?? "

" I'm not going to do any good here. So me and mom figured if I go to the human world, I can make a difference for the better. " I look up at him, and he sighs.

" Dads ganna be pissed. " He retorted a little.

" I know. That's why he doesn't know. And why I need that damn book. "

" Well, you can try going through the gate. "

I shook my head. " He needs to be there for that, and hades guards the gates. "

" Oh yeeaaahh.. Well there's no point in looking here for a portal book. There isn't one. "

I groan, covering my face.

" But.. I know a sin who does have the book your looking for. We both know him. " I look at him, and he smiles as I was trying to figure out who.

It hit me, then I shuffle up quickly, and I ran out the library, Coco following me. 


A female with dark skin and long black hair sat in a garden. She's been in it for the past week, and no one knows why. 

But she does.  

She picks up one of the flowers, and looks down at it. 

" You promised.. "


// I am sorry for the inactivity ;~;''

I had a very busy weekend ^^''

And this chapter is a tad bit shorter than the others, whoops-

But I hope you all enjoyed!~ //

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