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FRANKLY, the funeral of Will Byers, or any of the kids for that matter, was an event Cassie Cohen was adamant she would never have to experience. His life should have been filled with infinitely more laughter, and in turn an abundance of exciting opportunities, and days alike to be wasted in the loving company of his friends.

But as fate would have it, yet another fruitful life had been cut short in the small Indiana town, and Cassandra was slowly becoming convinced she herself was cursed. Since the night of the graveyard sighting, the brunette had endured barely an hour of uninterrupted sleep, plagued by the harrowing images of the dull creature creeping towards her.

She tried to put on a brave face, pretend everything was normal in front of those she loved. And with the funeral just a day before, her weariness seemed justified to outsiders.

Her train of thought was interrupted at the sound of cheering, turning to catch sight of one of her boyfriend's friends, Drew, successfully shot gunning a can of beer. "What was the time? AJ, if you would be so kind..." He asked triumphantly, a wide smile on his lips as he reached into his car, turning up the radio.

"Beat me by five seconds." A Korean boy with decorated ear piercings mumbled, reaching into his pocket to retrieve a five dollar bill. He held out his hand to reluctantly hand it over, before quickly snatching the money away with a mischievous smile. "Not so fast. I want a rematch!" AJ called, backing away as the bet winner began to chase him around the car, each of them changing direction to confuse the other as they ran in circles.

They were at their usual spot by the lake, the group of six enjoying what was left of the November sun in an attempt to blissfully ignore the turmoil their town was experiencing, if only for a day. The familiar tune of 'Hotel California' graced Cassie's ears, a satisfied sigh escaping her lips when a strong scent of cologne filled her nostrils.

"You okay?" Noah hummed, resting his chin on the base of her neck. With a hint of concern behind his voice, the boy placed his hands on the hips of her shorts, a soft smile gracing his girlfriend's lips.

"I am now." She assured, gently resting her head next to his, but the boy didn't seem entirely convinced. She wanted to tell him, about the research, the monster, the nightmares, she really did, but she knew he wouldn't believe her, no one would.

"Are you sure?" He asked, brows raised as he lifted his hands to snake around her bare waist, cold fingers drumming the rhythm of the song against her skin. "I'm sure. Just enjoying the view." She hummed in response, reaching up her hand to fix the strap of her halter neck before reaching it towards his hair.

The boy grumbled something in response, they were stood a short distance from the others, just shy of a gorgeous view overlooking the water, Cassandra wore a mischievous smirk, burrowing her hand into his blond locks as she ruffled them out of their styled position. He feigned a look of shock, mirroring the same smirk as he shouted in protest, the girl only giggled in response, barely aware of the other pair of eyes watching their every move.

HEROES | STEVE HARRINGTONWhere stories live. Discover now