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PATHETIC, FRAIL AND CRYBABY WERE THREE ADJECTIVES COULD BY NO MEANS ACCURATELY DESCRIBE CASSANDRA COHEN, but by the time the girl had cleaned herself up, staring back into the dull reflection of the bathroom mirror, there was no denying she felt like just that.

It was well past two am, and since returning home the girl had only berated herself further, cursing her vulnerability, especially in front of someone that could make her life a living hell. Or in her case, somehow make it worse.

She knew exactly how likely it was that the entirety of Hawkins High would know of her state by sunrise. Cassandra could picture the stares and indiscreet whispering now. She'd been there before, the fastest method of transport was of course gossip, and Steve Harrington's minions ran a masterclass about it.

Cassie couldn't deny she hadn't really been thinking when she dialled her boyfriend's line, having him race around in a matter of fifteen minutes. Her arm was coddled in a thick bandage, changing the subject anytime the confused blond would allude to it. She wanted to forget everything on her mind, meaning it came as no surprise that when the Bedford appeared at her bedroom door, the only words that fled her mouth were an urgent "Kiss me."

With what felt like the pale moonlight judging her every move, Cassie raised her forearm to cover her eyes, feeling the after effects of all the tears shed as her head began to throb. Noah stirred beside her, his hand squeezing the bare skin of her lower waist softly. "Cassie?"

He pried open an eye for a moment, before relaxing back into his place. "What's going on?"

"Nothing babe, go back to sleep." She soothed gently, bringing her lips to kiss the side of his jaw.

He let out a loud huff, evidently exhausted. After all, the boy hadn't had the opportunity to sleep at all that night, the last five minutes of shut eye were the only silent moments he'd had since arriving an hour and a half ago. "You don't have to tell me twice." He mumbled, his free hand resting gently on his chest.

Strangely, Cassie had found it rather therapeutic to see someone she loved asleep, slipping out of their conscious mind for a break. After all, a break was all she really yearned for.

They always looked so peaceful, so care-free in that natural state, and yet she'd only come to appreciate it after witnessing them face so much turmoil and sorrow in a waking reality. When you were sleeping, none of that ever mattered.

She peered at the Bedford, the way his chest rose and fell with each breath, and although it hurt to admit, it felt as if something was missing.

The teen was more than positive she loved him, that was without doubt, the problem was, she had began to realise she was no longer in love with him. Part of her was convinced it was something she could get back, like a favourite sweater from an ex, but everything was becoming too much.

HEROES | STEVE HARRINGTONWhere stories live. Discover now