Chapter 9: Brandi with an 'I'

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It might just be a Tuesday but I'm busy planning to pull an all-nighter. Well, more like half of it, I'll probably be out by midnight, fact is, I just wanna sleep late.

So I'm in the livingroom, searching for a rom-com which I haven't already watched cause it's like I've watched everything TV has to offer, in my comfy PJs, with a huge pack of snacks. Snacks are my dinner when Dad isn't around to do the cooking.

I spin my head when I hear a car pull up in the driveway then a few seconds later, the door opens, reviling Dad.

"You're early."

"I left mac n cheese in the microwave," he says after eyeing my dinner with disgust. "And shouldn't you should be studying?"

"I have a headache."

"Come on Sky, I thought you're good at this," Dad hitches a brow as he places his car keys on the counter, "tell me a better lie."

A small laugh escapes me. Sometimes I forget how well he knows me. "I'm not in the mood, I'm just beyond bored and books aren't making sense."

"Fine, I'll make an exception for today but you need to keep up with your grades, especially with your exams right around the corner."

And there's prom coming soon, everyone can't seem to stop talking about it. I was honestly looking forward to it before we moved but now I just want to be done with the school year. I wanted to spend it with Lucas, dance the night away, I wouldn't have won prom queen, most people didn't know me before I started dating Lucas but I'd have been happy if he won prom king.

Olly and Peter would have gone together, he'd have made a silly comment about my boyfriend, I'd get pissed, we'd argue and we'd make up soon after.

God, I miss my school, my friends. I miss home.

"I got something for you," dad pulls me out of my daze.


Then he tosses me a box, which I thankfully grab safely. "You got me a new phone!"

"I did." He grins proudly. "Don't lose it this time." My phone's screen is broken, I can't wait to get rid of it.

"I'll try not to," I grin back. "Thanks Dad, you're the best."

"Anytime sweet pea," he smiles softly, "I'm gonna head up, had a long day."


I quickly open the box to see my new phone with excitement. Geez, this is very nice, I haven't gotten a new phone in years. Thankfully all my information is backed to the cloud, so no issue starting it up.

I rush to call Lucas.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

No answer.

It makes me frown. I was really looking forward to hearing his voice, I've missed him. Anyways, I call Olly, and it goes straight to voicemail.

What the...

So I decide to call his mom. And she answers on the third Ring.

"Mrs Trenton, hey it's Skyler."

"Skyler, hey hun." Her lively voice greets. "How are you doing?"

"I'm great, thanks. Is Olly near? I was trying to call but it's not going through."

"Just a sec, lemme check," the line goes silent until she almost blasts my ears from yelling her son's name. "Olly! Olivier! It's Skyler!"

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