Chapter 4

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Rose's POV

We arrived at the house and Damion jumped out with Mitchell hot on his heals. "Karen!" i shouted jumping out. "hello dear! how are you!?" she asked as she pulled me in for a hug. Karen is Sensei's mother. "im good, i got a new boyfriend" i said smiling. "is he nice?" she asked, Karen treats me like the daughter she never had. "yeah, he's awesome, you would aprove" i said. "good, um sweetie, im sorry but your sharing a cabin with Sam" she said. I huffed and nodded, "hey Rose, we have a new comer coming tomorrow ok just want to tell you" Sensei said before walking to his bunk. "osu, i better go pack" i said. I walked away from Karen and went into my cabin. I walked in and Sam was there unpacking.

"eww, i can't believe i have to share a cabin with you" she snapped. I rolled my eyes and picked up my bag, i walked across the yard and into the boys' room. "hey, whats the matter?" Mitchell asked walking over. "Sam, i feel like everyone hates me. She brought on one of my sad moments, i did'nt want to stay with her" i said letting a tear fall. "i brought my guitar" Mitchell said smiling. I nodded smiling back, i crawled onto his bed and layed down. He started playing my favourite song, give me love by Ed Sheeran.


When he finished, i smiled at him. "thanks" i whispered. He layed down beside me and cuddled me from behind. "your tired" he stated. "no, im not" i said. "Rose, i know you well enough to now when your tired or anything" he said. "ok, fine i am a bit tired but i can't sleep yet" i said turning over so i was facing him. "well come on, lying in bed will make it worse" he said getting up and reaching his hand out towards me. I grabbed it and he pulled me up, "Mitchell! Rose! come out here please!" i heard Sensei yell. We walked out, hand in hand towards Sensei who was yawning.

"ah, there you are! ok so its been a 4 hour car trip, and we are all tired. Its 9:00 now, who wants something to eat?" he asked. "im not hungry" i said. "ill stay with Rose, we're going to bed. She's going to sleep in the boys room tonight" Mitchell said. "um, i don't......." he began to say, "no, not like that, its just Sam" Mitchell said quietly. I nodded and so did Sensei, "ok, well come and say goodnight to everyone then go to bed" he said. We nodded then walked out ino the lounge wear everyone was sitting, except Sam who was attempting to flirt wiht Damion. "night everyone!" Mitchell shouted. "your going to bed?" Damion asked.

"yeah, oh and Sam, go and fuck yourself" i said before walking out. "D, she's sleeping in our room tonight" i heard Mitchell say before jogging after me. "hey, you ok?" Mitchell asked. "yeah, im fine, i just want to go to bed" i said swallowing tears. "Race ya to the room" Mitch said. "your on" i said. "go!" he shouted. I sprinted until i reached the doors, "lucky shot" Mitchell huffed walking in behind me. "wow, im puffed already" i said huffing a bit. "ok, well lets go to bed now" he said floping onto the bed.

"agreed" i said. I put on my pj's and got into Damions side of the double bed him and Mitch were sharing. "come here" Mitchell whispered. I shook my head then felt a body being pressed to mine, i tensed up a little, "shh, its me" Mitch whispered. I nodded then fell into a peaceful sleep.

Sorry guys, i know its short :)

Love Rose xx

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