Chapter 10

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Harry's POV

Every morning i have been waking up hoping to find my baby lying with me. But no, i blew it. I regret my decision completely, no doubt about it. I am willing to give up my job for her, she's my baby. I got up from lying on the couch, and grabbed my phone.

To: Rose my baby <3

We need to talk

I sent it then went and grabbed something to eat. My phone vibrated on the table and i did like a retarded Ninja dive for it.

From: Rose my baby <3

Ill be at yours in 10

I smiled and looked at the place, it was decent enough. I went and put on some jeans and a t-shirt then went and sat on the couch waiting.

That 10 minutes dragged on for agggggeeeesssssssss. Finally, i heard her knock. I got up and opened it. I saw Damien drive away and i opened the door letting her walk in. "what do you want to talk about?" she asked. " i love you Rose, it was'ent my fault" i said. "bullshit Harry, you told me why you broke up with me, it totally makes sense" she said. "no, let me explain" i begged. "2 minutes, is all you get" she snapped. I smiled, "The prinicpal called me into his office and told me that someone had told him about us, he told me to tell 'the girl' that i felt nothing for her and i just wanted her for sex, and to brake up with her, or else i would lose my job. So thats what i did, but then after you left, i though, Harry you fucking retard, that was the dumbest thing you could of done. I love you with all my heart and i am ready to pick up my phone and call the school to say that im done working there just so i could be with you" i finally finished talking and her face was blank.

"don't do that" she said sighing. "if that is what it takes for you to take me back then i would love to do it. I would jump off a bridge for you" i said. "i..." she kinda said. My face looked pleading and i was so happy when i felt her sotf lips against mine. I grabbed her waist and pulled her onto my lap so she was stradling me. We pulled back for breathe and she pulled me tightly to her. I pulled her back and clipped her neclace back around her neck. She smiled and closed our lips together again.

When we pulled back a second time, i smiled at her and pushed my forhead into her shoulder. "i love you so much Rose, your my Baby and always will be" i whispered into her neck before kissing it softely. "im staying here tonight" she whispered. I chuckled lightly and lifted her up. i carried her to the bed and dropped her on it. I crawled ontop of her and smiled pecking her lips multiple times. "my baby" i whispered on her shoulder. I heard her giggle slightly before she pulled my head up and pressed her lips to mine in a passionate kiss. "i love you" she whispered. "i love you more, trust me" i said laughing. She smiled and pecked my lips one more time before closing her eyes and going to sleep. I did the same.


Rose's POV

I woke up in the morning and when i opened my eyes, i was greeted my abs. I had sunk low in my sleep. Awkward, imagine if i had sliped any lower o.O

I slid back up and kissed Harrys chest until he woke up. "morning baby" he whispered smiling. "school" i said getting up, "is it just me, or is this week dragging on" he mumbled getting up. "nope, its dragging on" i said smiling. We got ready then i began walking to school, Harry drove past and waved. I smiled and waved back. I walked to school and through the massive gates. I walked in and went to my locker. "Could Rose Ford please come to the prinipals office, thankyou" it said. wha? why do they want me. I shut my locker and went to the office. I knocked on the door and i heard a voice on the other side. "come in" i opened the door and was greeted my my principal and Harry?

"sit down Rose" he said sturnly. I sat down and looked at Harry with questioning eyes. he shrugged and looked back at the man who was worrying me. "Rose, Harry, has it stopped?" he asked. "yes sir" Harry answered. "are you sure?" he asked. "i am completely sure, i will not be seeing Rose anymore apart from school and classes" he answered again. I am confused. "thankyou, ok your dismissed" he said. Harry got up and grabbed my upper arm before lifting me out of my seat. He dragged me to the gym and into his office. "Harry" i said pulling my arm out of his grip. "sorry" he mumbled. "what was that?" i asked. I had to make it believable, that we were'nt dating" he said grabbing my hips. I nodded and pecked his lips.

"ok, well i have to get to class" i said pulling away. "ok, ill see you for P.E aye?" he said smiling. I nodded and walked out. I went out onto the field to my art teacher, we were drawing the outdoors today. I was looking around until i saw a familier face.


I got up and eexcused myself. I began walking towards the gym. He followed me. Fuck. I started running and so did he. I burst through the doors and saw Harry had a class. Awkward. I heard the doors swing ope behind me and i felt arms clamp around my arms and waist. "Class, go and wait in P19" Harry said, P19 was on the other side of the school. they nodded and scurried off. "Harry!" i shouted, tears running down my face. "Stan, let her go!" Harry shouted. "Make me" Stan said picking me up and taking me out to a van. "Stan!" i heard Hary scream. He pulled Stan away from me and i got dropped to the ground. "fuck of Styles!" Stan yelled, he punched Harry but Haz dodged and punched his face instead.

"Rose! run!" Harry shouted. I got my phone out and called Louis.

L=Louis   R=Rose

L:Hey Rosey

R: Louis! help! at the school! Harry is fighting with a guy that wants me!

L: im coming



I stopped running and saw Stan running towards me with Harry speeding after him. I heard tyres screeching then a door slam. "Stan! get the fuck away from my sister!" i heard Louis shout. "whoa, hey Louis" i heard Stan say, i turned around and saw Louis standing over Stan. Harry ran up to me and grabbed my waist. "are you ok?" he asked inspecting my face. "im fine, just scared" i said. He nodded and i watched Louis point atStan then say something. Stan put his hands up then walked back to his car and sped off. Louis walked up to us and hugged me. "hey Rosey" he said smiling. I laughed, "awkward brother" i said smiling. "why does Stan want you?" he asked. "Harry and i were boxing and STan turned up and got angry at Harry and left, then we saw him today" i said. "oh ok, well i have to get back to work. If he comes back then call me ok" he said. I nodded and watched him walk away.

"i love you" Harry said before smashing his lips against mine. I smiled and held his hand as we walked back inside the gym. The bell went and i smiled. "ill see you later baby" he said before kissing me one last time and he shooed me out to my next class.

~~~End of school~~~

I walked home and when i got in, i found Harry sitting on the couch. "hey baby!" he greeted me. "hey" i said smiling. He got up and kissed me. It slowly got heated and soon we were lying on the bed. Bye bye virginity....

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