Chapter 7

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Rose's POV

"Rose! Sam! Harry! get up!" Sensei yelled from outside the door. "Osu!" i shouted. "Morning beautiful" Harry whispered kissing my shoulder. "Morning" i said smiling. He kissed my lips and down my neck. "Up, Sensei puts cold water on you if you don't get up" i said. "Oh hell no!" Harry said jumping up. I don't want to go out in only my boxers" he said pouting. "Hold on, ill go and garb some for you" i said smiling. "Thankyou baby" he said. I went to his room and got out a shirt, shorts and boxers. I walked back and gave them to him. He got changed under the cover of my bed and then got up. "Guys! get into your togs! since its the last day at the camp, we will be having a fun day!" Sensei shouted. I smiled and put on my bikini. Harry just pulled his shirt off, Sam still had'ent gotten out of bed so i just shrugged and walked out. "Where's Sam?" Sensei asked.

"She won't get up" i said. "yes" he said quietly. He went and filled a bucket with water then snuck into our room. "Morning" Damien said. "Hey" i said back. Everyone pecked their head around the door and watched Sensei pour water all over Sams head. "What the hell!" she shouted getting up. I laughed so hard with everyone else. "Get up when i tell you to" Sensei said shrugging before walking out. Sam got dressed and stormed out. Everyone tried to stop laughing but failed. She huffed and walked away. "To the river!" Sensei shouted. "Piggy back!" i screamed as i jumped on Harrys back. "Of course" he said smiling. He carried me all the way to the river then threw me in. Everyone jumped in and we floated down the stream. I was floating peacfully on my own when i was pushed underneath the water.

I tried to get air but failed. "I fucking hate you" i heard a voice i recognised as Sams whispering to me. I started to feel light headed and i closed my eyes. I was ready to let go, "Sam!" i heard Harry scream. I was yanked above the water and spluttered and coughed. "Rose Baby, are you ok?" he asked wrapping my legs around his waist, i clung to his body and i was shaking. "Sam! thats it! you have to go home today! you ar'nt even allowed to stay the last night!" Sensei shouted. "You ok Rosey?" Mitchell asked, swimming up behind us. I could'nt even speak, i was at a near death experience less then a minute ago. I just clung to Harry shaking. Thankgod for life jackets or else we would be sinking.

"Ok, i think nows a good time to head home" Sensei said. I clung to Harry as he swam out of the river, he carried me all the way home and then took me into the shower. "Babe, do you mind if i strip you, im gonna help you have a shower" Harry told me, he's my boyfriend, i do not care! "it..its f...f..fin....fine" i stuttered. He nodded and took my shirt of gently, then my pants, then he continued with removing my underwear. He washed my body down then turned the water off, he got a towel an gently wrapped it around my body. He is so damn caring when he wants to be! "Jamies?" he asked. I nodded and he got my PJs out of my bag. He slipped my pjs on then carried me into the house. We sat on the couch together and i still did'nt say anything.

"you ok baby?" Damien said walking over to us. "Yeah" i said quietly. "Where is she!" Louis screamed storming in. "Lou-bear" i said looking at him. "oh Rosey-bear" he said walking over. He picked me up and i hugged him tightly. "oh my baby" he whispered. "how much did she hurt you?" he asked inspecting my face. "She almost drowned me" i said quietly. "Oh, sweetheart" he whispered. He can be so soft when it comes to me. "Im ok though, just shaken up from what happened when i was little" i whispered letting a tear fall. "Oh, i completely forgot about that" he said hugging me again. "Its ok, its over and i just need to get on with it" i said letting go off him. "Ok, ut i swear if i see her, you will need to hold me back" he said with a slight bit of humour to his tone. "Im leaving everyone" Sam said as she walked into the room. "Fuck you!" Louis screamed, he started to walk towards her but i held onto his hand. He just pulled me along the floor.

I walked infront of him and put my hands on his chest. "Louis! stop it!" i shouted. He stopped and looked down at me, "Sorry" he mumbled. "its ok Lou-Bear, lets go sit down yeah?" i said. He nodded and we went and sat on the couch. "Someone is obviously on their man-period" Sam said walking out. "Its ok Lou, see is just a bitch and we all know that" i said putting my hand on his shoulder. "if i was allowed, i would hurt her for hurting you" he said. "i know, if i was allowed, i would help you" i said smiling. "Ok! we are going to have a campfire then have a sleepover!" Sesei shouted smiling. Everyone cheered then i thought about what he said. "We are already having a sleep over" i said. "We are all going to sleep in one room" he said. "well, its getting dark so lets go! Mitchell shouted. We all got up and went outside.

We lit a campfire and sat around it talking. "I remember the time Damien through Mitchell into a wall, and it made a hole" i said giggling. We sat around and talked for a while when i decided i wanted alchohol. "I feel like some alchohol" i said simply. "Well, we don't have any unfortuanatly" Sensei said. "Oh poo" i said pouting. "Oh well, we all should get some shut eye, we have to leave tomorrow" Sensei said. We all went into the boys room and then had to figure out who was sleeping where we were sleeping. "Rose, you can sleep with Harry, so you can share a bed which leaves room for everyone else" Sensei said smiling. I nodded and got into bed with Harry. "i love you Rose" Harry whispered, i turned over so i was facing his chest, "I love you to" i said smiling. He kissed me passionatly. i snuggled into his chest and fell asleep.

We were floating down the river when i was pushed under the water. "Nobody likes you, you fucking whore, nobody loves you, Harry just feels sorry for you, same with Louis" Sam Sneered. I felt myself slowly fading away. I opened my eyes one last time before everything went black.

I shot up into a sitting position in the bed. I was sweatng from the dream, "You ok Rosey?" i heard Mitchell say. I felt the tears fall down my cheeks. "bad dream" i sobbed quietly. "Oh, come here" he said getting up and stepping over the multiple bodies on the floor. He sat on the bed with me and let me cry into his chest. "Wake Harry up sweetie" he said. I shook my head, "No, i just need to grab a drink" i said getting up. I walked into the bathroom and used my hands as a cup to have a drink out of the taps. When i walked back out, Harry was sitting up talking to Mitch. "hey baby, you ok sweetheart?" Harry asked lifting the covers up for me.

"Bad dream" i said hugging his torso. "yeah, Mitchell told me, oh you can go back to bed if you want" he told Mitchell. "Ok" he said kissing my forhead before going back to his own bed. Harry layed down with me and held me close. "its ok, im here, do you want to talk about it?" he asked. "It was Sam, she drowned me properly and said harsh things as i dies" i said letting another tear slip. "shh, its ok, it was just a dream. Lets go back to sleep aye baby?" he whispered. I nodded and closed my eyes. I fell asleep listening to Harry;s heartbeat.

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