Chapter 13

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Rose's POV

I woke up in the morning and looked at the clock. It said 10:00 am. ok, so im not going to school and i swear i was drunk when i said i wanted to.  I heard a light snore and saw Damien still in bed, "D" i said. "hmm" he hummed. "its me" i said. "Rosey" he said sitting up and stretching. "yeah" i said sitting up also. "you ok?" he asked gettinf up and walking over to the bed then lying beside me. "i don't know. Did Lou tell you?" i asked. "tell me what?" he asked. "Dad died in war yesterday" i said quietly. "oh sweetie, im sorry" he whispered. "its ok, his birthday is in a few days" i whispered. "its ok, come on, lets get up aye?" he said. I nodded and we both got up. We walked out and i heard two unfamilier voices. "please sir, just come quietly, you are under arrest for breaking the law of having a relationship with a student" the voice said. "Harry!" i screamed running downstairs.

"Rose! baby its ok, stay with Lou, Mitch and D. I love you baby" he said as the two police officers put handcuffs around his wrists. "no! you can't take him!" i shouted. Oh, did i forget to mention a very small factor that will change my life. I may be pregnant. I know i should of told him. "escuse me miss, but he is going to jail" one of the police men said. "No! im pregnant! he needs to stay!" i shouted. "your.....pregnant?" Harry said. "yeah" i said smiling. "im sorry miss, we have to go" the men said before the pulled Harry out. "i love you baby, il be there at the birth!" he shouted before they drove away. I sat down and began to cry. These next few months are going to be hell.

~~~8 Months later~~~

I have had 8 months off school due to baby but now i am due. I got out of bed and groaned, "Louis!" i shouted. He ran in the room and looking at me trying to get up with a massive belly preventing me from doing so. "hold on" he said walking over, he put his hands under my arms and lifted me up. He helped me walk downstairs and i was greeted by a kiss on cheek by Damien and Mitchell walked over, rubbed my belly then smiled saying goodmorning. I sat on the couch and groaned. "being pregnant is so hard! hurry up and get this fucker out of me!" i shouted. The boys laughed and i glared, they went into the kitchen and i tried to get up to get the remote when my water broke. "fuck" i said sitting back down. "Louis!" i shouted. He ran and gasped. "before we do anything, please give me the phone" i said. He nodded and handed me the phone.


H=Harry    P=Police     R=Rose

P: Hello?

R:Hi, my name is Rose Ford, i would like to talk to Harry Styles

P:um sure, you only get 5 minutes though

R:ok thankyou


R:Harry! its me!

H:Baby! holy shit! how are you hun?

R:Harry, we don't have enough time, i'll be down at the hospital, my water just broke

H:Holy shit! ok, ill try to get out, if i can't ill break out.


H:are you ok baby?


H: ok, im coming

R:ok i love you

H: i love you to, be strong baby


"Louis!" I shouted. Louis ran in and helped me up, we went out to the car. He drove me to the hospital and when we got there, a police car pulled up. Harry got out and saw mw getting out of the car with Louis. "ok sir, please walk calmly........"the police began to say until Harry bursted out of the car and sprinted over. "Baby, come on" he said helping me inside. "She's in labour" he said to the nurse. She nodded and came back with a wheelchair, i sat in it and i was wheeled into another room with only Harry being allowed to come along. We went into the room and i layed onto the bed, "ok, it took you a while to get here so you need to start pushing now" the doctor said. I nodded and Harry gripped my hand. "come on Baby, you can do it" Harry said kissing my forhead. "push" the doctor said, i began pushing and fuck. It hurt like hell. "Harry! it hurts!" i screamed.

"good girl, your doing so well baby" he said. After a few more minutes of intense pain, it was over. "congratulations, its a baby girl!" the doctor announced proudly. He cleaned her up then passed her to me, i was crying tears of joy. Harry crouched beside the bed and kissed my cheek, "we need a name" he said. "her name is Darcy" i said smiling. "i told you thats what i wanted ot name my baby girl did'nt i" he said smiling. I nodded and kissed hsi lips gently. "middle name?" he asked me, "lets go with..........Sophia" i said smiling. "ok so, Darcy Sophia Ford" he said smiling. "no, Darcy Sophia Styles" i said. He smiled at me and kissed her head. "Darcy Sophia Styles it is then" i said. He nodded and then Louis walked into the room with Mitchell and Damien. "Rose!" they shouted running up to me.

"her name is Darcy Sophia Styles" i said smiling. "she's beautiful" Louis said. I smiled and nodded, we got her dressed into some baby clothes i had bought and then she was put in a crib to sleep. "Miss Ford, it was the smoothest birth i have ever done, and you can take her home today" he said smiling. I nodded and hugged all the boys again. I got up and stretched slightly, ok, my lower region is sore. I walked around for a bit then picked Darcy up. "she is gorgeous" I said smiling. "Miss, you can go now" the doctor said. I nodded and packed up. Harry grabbed Darcy and we went out to the car. "you are going back to school next year, remember there is 2 senior years" Harry said. "ok, hey, do you have to go back to the station?" i asked him, "no, they let me out!" he shouted. "holy crap! thats great!" i shouted hugging him and trying not to squash Darc.

~~~Next Year~~~

"wake up Babe" Harry said rubbing my ribs. "mmmm" i mumbled. "you have school baby" he said. "ughhh school is one thing i did not miss" i said sitting up. "Mummy!" Louis shouted walking in carrying Darcy, she can't quite talk yet but she makes noises. She can almost and she can crawl and......its kinda like commando crawling. "hey baby girl" i said smiling. SHe smiled back and scrunched her little nose up. She made some cute baby noises then crawled over to Harry. He hugged Darc and blew rasberries on her cheek. She smiled and laughed. "come on, up school starts in 15 minutes" Louis said. I groaned and got up, i put on a tank top that flowed around my body and a pair of light blue jeans.

I brushed my hair and let it hand naturally, i grabbed my black raybans then went down to the kitchen. "come on Darcy, are you gonna drop Mummy off at school" i said picking her up. "mumma" she gurgled. "good girl Darc!" i shouted cuddling her, "what did she say?" Harry asked wrapping his arms around me from behind. "she said Mumma" i said smiling and kissing her. "awesome! now come on, school" he said taking Darcy off me and running towards the car. I laughed and said godbye to Mitchell and Damien before chasing him out. He had buckled Darcy in and was sitting in the drivers seat waiting. I got in with my bag and kissed his cheek. He drove to the school and i got out, i grabbed Darcy out of her carseat and gave her a hug. "Mumma loves you Darc, ill see you after school" i said smiling. She smiled and reached up to my face. "Mumma" she said.

"good girl darc" Harry said walking up. "Dadda" she mumbled out. "she is learning so quickly!" i said laughing. "she's like her mum, a quick learner" Harry said smiling. "go on Darc, go to Daddy" i said doing a big superman thing, i passed her to Harry and he laughed. "go on, you'll be late" Harry said laughing. "i love you Haz, take care of my baby" i said kissing Darcy's nose. "fine then, don't give your boyfriend a kiss" he said laughing. I smiled and kissed his lips gently. "love you, im gonna call Darc little Baby and you big Baby" i said smiling. "oh yay, im big baby" he said sarcasticly. "goodbye Harry" i said smiling. I kissed him gently before walking off. He put Darc in her carseat before driving off. "so you are dating Mr Styles" Mikala said. Fuck, i thought she got expelled! "what do you want Mikala?" i asked. "To fucking get what i deserve, revenge on you" she said. "what are you gonna do?" i asked. She punched my nose and it started bleeding. She kicked me in the stomach and then let me fall to the ground.

"none of this pain compares to giving birth" i said. "she was your baby?" she asked. "me and Harry's, Mr Styles is her Father" i said holding my stomach. "You! I told you to stay away from him! he was ment to fall in love with me! now you have a fucking child with him!" she shouted. I heard the screech of tires then a door slamming. "Mikala!" Harry shouted. "oh hello Harry" she said. Harry ran over and picked me up, he carried me back to the car adn buckled me in. "fuck you Mikala!" he shouted pulling the finger at her before driving us home. "well, that was an amazing first day back at school" i said. We got inside and i went into my bedroom. "im going to sleep. Night guys" i said. They all shouted it back, then i closed my eyes and fell into a beautiful sleep.

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