"I miss her" he said

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*Hayes' POV*

It's been a week since Danni-Elle left for Australia. We've been talking everyday to keep in touch. I love seeing her so happy with her family but I do wish she was here with me.

"Hey Hayes" Nash said as he barged into my room.
"What do you want Trash Nash" I laughed
"Ha ha so funny. We're planning our next MAGCON (I know they're not a thing anymore but let's act like they are) tour and wanted to see if you wanted to come along for the fans and stuff" Nash said.
"Umm when are you thinking of doing it?" I asked
"Like 2 months from now. Just a tour around California and Tenisee for about 3 weeks." "Umm I'll think about it" I responded thinking of Danni-Elle. I don't know if I want to leave her for 3 weeks. I know it's not that long but it is a long time to be away from the girl you love.

"Alright man just tell me by tomorrow so we can tell the fans" he said while walking out of my room.

I took out my phone and texted Danni-Elle.

Hayes- hey
She answered not long after.

Danni-Elle💜- hey hey. What's up
Hayes- Nash just asked me to go on MAGCON with him and the guys in 2 months
Danni-Elle💜- wow! That's so cool Hayes!
Hayes- I know. I don't think I'm gonna do it though
Danni-Elle💜- why not? Don't you wanna meet some fans
Hayes- yeah I do but I don't think I could cope being away from you again. I don't even know how I'm doing it now
Danni-Elle💜- Hayes don't worry about me. This is an amazing chance for you to meet the girls that look up to you.
Hayes- yeah I guess. Maybe you can come with me
Danni-Elle💜- I'll ask my mum. I don't know if she'll let me go for 3 weeks alone though. You know how overprotective she is of me.
Hayes- just ask her, you never no
Danni-Elle💜- it's know Hayes

Did I mention she hates it when I do 'text talk' and be lazy when I text. Her words, not mine

Hayes- I know I know
Danni-Elle💜- thanks and I'll ask her when she's in a good mood. She fighting with my sister
Hayes- alright, hope all is well😘
Danni-Elle💜- thanks. I love you
Hayes- I love you too

I really hope her mum says yes about her coming on tour. Otherwise I don't think I could go.

*********************** next day************************
(Still Hayes' POV)

It was around 6am and I was just laying in bed staring at the ceiling. I couldn't sleep. I still haven't got a reply from Danni-Elle about if she can come on tour or not. I want to text her but she is probably sleeping. I'm still not sure about the time zone crap.

I continued to stare at the ceiling until the sun was on my face and I could hear Sky running around downstairs about horses.

I stood up and walked towards the bathroom.
I turned on the shower and got undressed. The hot water hit my skin as I stood in the way of it hitting the ground. I washed myself then turned off the water and got out of the shower. I picked up a towel and started to dry myself. When I was done, I wrapped the towel around my wait and ran my rand across the mirror so I could see my reflection through the steam. My hair was wet and dripping tiny little water droplets onto my chest, neck and back. I examined my face. Is that weird? Nah. My bright blue eyes were exceptionally blue, my nostrils were massive and my beauty marks on the left cheek were in the shape of a triangle, like always. I am average. Why do girls think I'm so cute? I don't know. I looked away and got dressed.

I walked back into my room and say on my bed. I un-plugged my phone from the charger socket and clicked the home button. My screen turned on and I looked at my background which was a picture of me and Danni-Elle at the park. She looked so happy. Her eyes were a simple but beautiful brown and her hair shined in the sunlight. I guess you could say I am pretty lucky to have her.

She holds my full trust. I trust that she isn't making out with some other boy from Australia at a barbie or something (A.N I'm actually Australian so I can make fun of things like this)

I stared at the picture for what felt like infinity.

I miss her.

The Boy That Fell For A Girl With Brown Eyes ~Hayes Grier fanficWhere stories live. Discover now