Isn't It Lovelie & Secrets

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54 Isn't It Lovelie

The small island paradise was quiet. The regular cruise ship that brings tourists had left just the other day. Gerald and Allen had obtained private transportation to the small Ilse, known as il a rat.

The people living here spoke both French and English. There was a voodoo priestess they hoped to find. Her name, Lovelie Saintil, stuck out in Gerald's mind. Dressed down as tourists, Gerald and Allen walked along the beach. They were looking for the small dwelling in which Lovelie was said to stay.

Sure enough, to their relief, they found it. Sitting out front was a woman who appeared much younger than her age. Her dark hair was in dreadlocks and pulled up on her head. She stood and approached Gerald and Allen as they got closer.

"Welcome, please come; I'm sure you have many questions." the woman smiled, signaling to her porch where there were simple refreshments on a table with three seats.

Allen followed Lovelie, "Thank you for taking the time to see my son Gerald and me."

Lovelie chucked and sat at the table, "How could I resist not seeing you? Arryn has helped me acquire special items I have needed, and I can't help but be curious. I can't imagine what Arryn and his family are needing now."

Sitting down, Allen nodded to Gerald to explain.

Gerald nodded back and faced Lovelie, "we appreciate any help you can offer us in locating the In-Between."

Lovelie tried to hide her shock, "I see..." Lovelie paused to consider what to say next, "If I didn't owe Arryn such a huge favor, I would not even consider helping. My Great Grandma warned me about the In-Between and what is held there."

Allen sat up," Arryn's parents and a few others disappeared flying over the Bermuda Triangle. We only want to find them. And we think..."

Lovelie cut Allen off, "That they are in The In-Between."

Gerald nodded, "Yes, and Arryn is trying to a quire The Sword of Khaos to create an opening."

Lovelie's eye's widened, "That is not possible, nor should the sword go anywhere near Khaos. You do know who is imprisoned there and guarded by the two deities, la Sirene and Agwe? Don't you? Those you are looking for may already be dead. The Guardians will do what they must to ensure Khaos is not released."

Allen listened and took a moment to answer, "Danger has never stopped the Quinns from going forward to save and protect others. We don't cave in to fear. We have lost family to our enemies. We never give up. We won't give up now."

"Come back tomorrow, and I will have something to assist you. If your family was not owed such a hefty debt by me, I would not be helping. I ask that with this help, I will give that my debt is paid in full."

Gerald chimed in, "Arryn has told me that yes that by helping us find the In-between, your debt will be considered paid in full."

Lovelie nodded, "Good, we have a deal. But did Arryn hot come here himself?"

Gerald and Allen looked over at each other, then Allen answered, "He and another are invoking Lucifer for help."

Clearly, Lovelie was caught off guard and shook her head, "No one invokes Lucifer without paying the price, and it's not gold nor money he wants. He expects a sacrifice."

Allen vaguely remembered what Lucifer required, "Oh no, he often demands that you lose someone dear to you."

"Yes, a curse upon that relationship that they can never have any contact again," Lovelie added.

Gerald shook his head, "Noooo, Castor is there with Arryn."

Allen solemnly nodded," I don't know if Arryn can let go of Castor."

"He has already lost his wife and has finally found love again." Gerald chimed in.

She took a deep breath, "So Arryn will have to choose his parents or lover." Lovelie said matter of factly.


Chapter 55 Secrets

Flashback 5 A.D.

Michael had her hair down and wore a silver gown belted at the waist. She stood barefoot in the sand, anxiously waiting for Lucifer. He drew closer with his hair in a top knot and wearing loose-fitting pants. He also wore no shoes, and unlike Michael, he was shirtless.

Michael felt at ease when she saw Lucifer smiling and waving at her. She flushed and returned a shy smile and wave. She stepped forward smiling. Lucifer dashed over and lifted the Archangel in the air, and they kissed.

Embracing Michael, Lucifer grinned, "My dear, I have missed you."

Michael, nearly out of breath, "I was so worried that you wouldn't show."

Carrying Michael over to the lounger, he set her down and laid down beside her.

"No one knows where I am nor why I'm gone." Lucifer explained, "I have waited so long to hear from you."

Michael blushed, a side of her that she would never reveal to others, "Luci, I tried to forget you, but I can't. I know our love could never be accepted. However, I will not stop loving you and if we have to go behind everyone's backs, so be it."

Lucifer silenced Michael with a kiss, "I'm here now with you, and no one knows. Let's not worry about others."

"Mmm, Yes, it's just You and I," Michael snuggled close to Lucifer.

Lucifer pulled Michael in again, brushed her hair aside, and kissed behind Michael's ear.

Michael let down her guard, giggling, "I love you, Luci."

"mmhmm, I love you, my dear Mika." Lucifer slid Michael's gown off her shoulders.

They kissed while undressing each other. The Lovers' desire was, building up. They were finally together and all alone.



Both Arryn and Castor were shocked and relieved that the ritual worked.

"That was Lucifer, right? I mean, it was him just now. Right?" Castor rambled.

"I believe so. I am worried about who it could be out there that Lucifer noticed." Arryn said, stepping behind Castor. He wrapped his arms around Castor's waist and leaned in close, resting his head above Castor's.

Castor leaned against Arryn contently, "ah, I needed your embrace."

"I want to try and see what's going on out there with Lucifer," Arryn mumbled anxiously.

"I'm more concerned if Lucifer will tell us where to find the sword! Plus, what if he expects something in return..." Castor stopped midst sentence.

Lucifer and Michael flew into the cave, landing at the entrance. All eyes were on the Angel beside Lucifer. Arryn and Castor were in awe at the majesty and strength coming from her.

She was tall with a curvaceous body and fire from her sword on her back. She wore a white gown with golden armor that matched her golden hair. The breastplate had jewels embedded in the gold. Her helm was nestled under her left arm.

"Michael has joined us," Lucifer stated matter of factly.

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