Day 3: April 3rd

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April 3rd, 2017


"ughhhh..." I groan while I slowly open my eyes, my alarm clock reads 11:47AM, I overslept. I rub my eyes and grab my glasses and slowly get out of bed heading to my closet to get my clothes. After I grab my clothes I head to the washroom and decide to take a shower, I place my clothes down, take off my glasses and turn the water a little hotter than usual, "I hate days like these." I say in a low voice talking to myself when I step into the shower too tired to stand I just curl up in a ball on the shower floor and I shut my eyes for a second or two. 

When I finally decide to get up and finish showering I change into my clothes as well as put on my glasses and do my usual routine of brushing my hair and brushing my teeth. I eventually leave my dorm and head to the academy doors when I catch a glimpse of Himiko and Korekiyo talking and accidently eaves drop on them talking about how the schools warehouse was refilled and I immediately remember how I was supposed to get started on Kirumi cosplay and basically run to the schools warehouse and start grabbing black and white fabric with black ribbons  and head off to my lab with the new fabric I've collected. When I reach my lab I set down my fabrics grab my form and start patterning the costume. I start with the skirt first, a black circle skirt that shouldn't be too hard to make, I move onto the apron and make the apron and the lose fabric to tie it up separately since it has a bigger bow on the back, the sleeves are loose pieces of fabric that are connected to the main part of the outfit, speaking of which the main part of the costume is a tight piece of white fabric over the chest that has a bit of frill at the top, the last part of the pattern would be the white corset with black lace at the bottom. 

I finally start working on the cosplay. 


3 hours later


Even for the ultimate cosplayer making a cosplay takes a long time, especially if I want all the small details to be correct, maybe I should make myself some tea. Perhaps chamomile? I decide to get myself some tea to refocus on my cosplays, I leave my lab and head down to the first floor. I finally reach the first floor "there are an unreasonable amount of I need to use.." I say to myself, I head over to the diner before someone stops me "hey glasses!" Kokichi says to me "do you know where or what happened to Rantaro and Kirumi? they've basically disappeared." now that I think about it, their right. I haven't seen either if them all day, now I'm curious. "you're right Kokichi, and no I haven't seen either of them all day. Any Idea where they might be?" I ask. Kokichi looks at me like I just said we were in a fictional world and he's actually dead. "are you stupid? I just asked you where they we're, you think I'd know??" dice says In a almost joking but serious tone.

"ah, right sorry Kokichi." I say almost dozing off, they pick up on this "hey Glasses, are you okay? I know you're always super plain but you seem kinda down.." Kokichi says "wait, DO YOU MISS YOUR GIRLFRIEND?" he excitedly yells at me catching me off guard "H-Huh? what are you talking about?! Kirumi and I are not dating!" Kokichi looks at me with his devilish smile "I didn't specify who, now did I?" Kokichi says, at this point I'm fed up and walk away. While I close a corner Kokichi yells at me "go search for your girlfriend! go glasses! go!" I roll my eyes at him as I near the academy doors completely forgetting about my chamomile tea. 

I open the academy doors and head to by dormitory, thinking maybe I could get a little nap in when suddenly I hear someone call out to me. "ah, Tsumugi! could you come here for a second?" I turn my head and see Tenko and Himiko carrying stuff that looks quite heavy, perhaps another magic show? "oh, yea sure! what do you need my to carry?" I say "this box please! also be careful its glass!" Tenko says handing me quite the heavy cardboard box "follow us, we're going to the gym. Others will be there too." Himiko says in their usual quiet tired voice, I do as she says and follow them to the gym. Waiting in the gym is Kirumi, Rantaro and Angie, so that's where they've been. "put the stuff down right there Tsumugi" Himiko says pointing to a spot in the gym, I walk over to the spot and put down the box as Himiko gives different orders to Tenko. After I finish setting down the box I go to ask Himiko what this is about.

"hey Himiko, what's all this stuff for?" I ask her, she turns to me and gives me a little bit of a disappointed look "You don't know? Its for my next magic show!" she says going the little thing where she throws her hat up in the air to make it look likes it floating "I see, when do you plan on doing it?" I say to Himiko as her hat slowly falls back onto her head "I think In a few days, maybe the 6th or 7th?" She tells me, Tenko walks over with something in hand "I think the 7th will work, we'll be done by then!"  she says while giving the item in her hand to Himiko, It looks like a rope. "well the 7th it is then, thanks for the idea Tenko" Himiko says, somehow this makes Tenko flustered? "ah- no need to thank me Himiko.. This is all thanks to you! you're the star of the show after all!" she says then bends down to Himiko and gives her a kiss on the cheek "I have to get going now Himiko! I'll be back soon!" Tenko says while running off out of the gym "its been 3 months and she still manages to surprise me.." Himiko says most likely talking to herself and walks off. 

I see Kirumi sewing something out of the corner of my eye so I decide to walk over to her. "Hey Kirumi where we're you all day? Kokichi had said you disappeared." Kirumi looks up from her sewing "My apologies Mugi, I was in here all day. sorry for disappearing without notice." she says with a frown, I know its not her fault but what exactly has she been doing? "what have you been doing this entire time?" I say genuinely wondering "why I've been sewing this curtain, but its taken me so long because I don't have the talent of the ultimate cosplayer." she says giving me a smile making me get a bit flustered. "I'm almost finished but its getting late." she says looking at her watch "It's already 7PM" she says, I remember her cosplay and instantly get worried "its already 7PM?!" I say looking quite worried "I'm sorry Kirumi I forgot to do something today" I say already taking off towards my lab.

I arrive at my lab and desperately try to refocus and finish the cosplay even if I have to work well into the night.


A/N: This chapter took me like 2 days to write because I had to make it during my birthday also I think this entire fic will be around 30-35k words long, within these 3 chapters I already have 4k words

words: 1299

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