Day 6: April 6th

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April 6th, 2017


I wake up almost sideways in my bed still severely tired, most likely from playing so many hours of games with Miu. Today I should hangout with Kirumi some more, I haven't seen her in a few days after all. I get up from my bed, put on my glasses, beginning my morning routine of getting my clothes, changing, brushing my hair and teeth and leaving for the dining hall. With that In mind I finish my morning routine and leave my dorm, when I leave I run into Maki just coming out of her room. Her hair looks a little unkept as if she stayed up late, but that wouldn't be odd for someone like her I guess.

"hey Maki, good morning. How are you?" I ask her rubbing my eyes from my sever tiredness "oh, I'm... fine. I guess. Just a little tired from Kaito." ah that makes a lot of sense actually, what we're they doing though? "oh that's great, may I ask what you and Kaito were doing? you don't have to answer if you don't want to." I say trying not to seem as I'm pushing myself onto her "ah, in that case... I don't want to." she says bluntly to me, expected to say the least "oh! that's fine Maki, if you ever want to talk come knock on my dorm or lab!" I say while walking away "thanks.." she says quietly. I leave the dormitories and head of the academy per usual seeing others walking around the courtyard.

I entre the Academy and start heading for the dining hall as usual, how plain of me. Before I entre the dining hall I see Tenko and Himiko walking by and I take the opportunity to discover the time for the magic show tomorrow. "Hey Himiko and Tenko! I realized that I never got the time for the magic show tomorrow." I say to the both of them "oh did I not tell you..?" Himiko says in her normal lazy tone "its at 12Pm sharp! you better be there." she says In a slightly excited tone, that should viable for me "oh thanks Himiko! ill make sure to attend tomorrow." I say giving her a smile then walk off.

I finally entre the dining room and feel the atmosphere is a little more upbeat than usual, a few people call out and say good morning to me. I go to the kitchen and greet Kirumi cooking breakfast "what's for breakfast today Mugi?" Kirumi asks me while still keeping her eyes on the food "oh I think Ill have something a little more sweet today, I was thinking... croissants with strawberries!" I say extatically to her "why, you've taken a liking to strawberries recently" she says looking up from her cooking to give me a slight smile "oh I've always liked strawberries, I love the taste the most! its very sweet and naturally I'm not the biggest fan super sweet stuff but these are an exception!" I say rambling on about strawberries for longer than I'd like to admit. Kirumi however didn't stop me and just listened, that's one of the things I really really like about her. She listens to me ramble until she interrupts me to tell me that the croissants are ready.


after breakfast about half an hour later


I finish eating breakfast and go to put my plate in the sink and go to head out of the dining hall when I run into Kirumi she tells me that she want to tell me something. "I've been planning to hangout with you for a while since our last hangout. So I want to invite you to a picnic." she clasps her hand together in front of her. "that'd be great! when do you plan on doing this?" I ask her "well perhaps in about 10 minutes? I still have a little bit of setting up to do, I also want to try on a new outfit I had gotten recently." she says "you have a new outfit? I should put one on too! where do you want to meet?" I say "let us meet by the pergola in the courtyard, the one just outside the dorms." she says to me "that sounds, great ill go get ready!" I smile at her and leave the dining hall and head straight for the dormitories. 

I entre my dorm and immediately start rummaging through my closet to look for something to wear when I come across a yellow sun dress that fades into transparency at the bottom. I could wear this with my sun hat! this looks great, maybe I could put my hair into a ponytail? I decide that that's too much and just leave my hair down. I change into my  new clothes and head out to meet Kirumi at the spot we had agreed on. I leave the dormitories and see Kirumi finishing preparations for our picnic. "hey Kirumi!" I shout waving and walking towards her, she turns around and reveals a white and red checkered picnic blanket laid down with one of those stereotypical baskets.   

Kirumi also seems to be wearing different clothes, keeping her original style going on she choose a long black dress with a white button up under shirt with short sleeves along with what seems to be a black waist corset. She also keeps her original gloves on but replaces her usual head piece with a black headband. "wow Kirumi I love your outfit!" I say walking up to her "oh Mugi, you flatter me. please sit down." She gestures for me to sit down and I do as she pleases she also sits down right across from me and starts taking things out of the picnic basket.

She pulls out a few slices of strawberry shortcake with other fruits such as black and blueberries, along with these she takes out a few small sandwiches and a some eclairs. "wow Kirumi, did you make this all yourself? this looks amazing!" I say still eyeing all the amazing looking food. "why yes, in the past few days this idea has crossed my mind and I decided to make all the dishes from scratch." somehow Kirumi manages to amaze me every time she opens her mouth "go on Mugi, take what ever you like." Kirumi says as she grabs a small sandwich an éclair and a few black and blueberries. I take that Moment to grab a slice of strawberry shortcake with a few blackberries and an éclair. Kirumi and I talk about nothing worth of note for the next few hours while eating delicious food.


A few hours later


"wow Kirumi, this was amazing. I still don't know how you do it." I say giving Kirumi a smile "well its nothing much, I'm glad you enjoyed this Picnic Mugi. I'm honestly surprised no one had interrupted us." she says while standing up and packing up the leftover dishes "yea I'm surprised about that too, I guess nobody was in the mood." I say also standing up to make sure I'm not in Kirumi way. Kirumi finishes packing up the Picnic basket "thank you again for joining me Mugi, I thoroughly enjoy your company" she says giving me a bright smile, somehow this gets me a little flustered "o-oh, its really nothing after all I should be thanking you. You had prepared all of this!" I say to her "well, Its was still nice hanging out with you Mugi, have a nice night." she says before walking off towards the academy. I love hanging out with her.


A/N: its 3:16 AM and light Yagami just threatened to slap a woman (ep:14) btw this is still in the making DW

Words: 1278

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