Day 8: April 8th

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April 8th, 2017


  I slowly open my eyes and turn my head to my alarm, it reads 9:19. Pretty late, I should start setting my alarm clock to a destined time so my sleep schedule isn't all over the place. I get out of bed and walk over to my closet per usual, I decide that today instead of my normal skirt ill put on a pair of shorts with suspenders. It's nice to change it up sometimes, I grab my clothes and head over to the washroom to start my morning routine. I brush my teeth, then my hair and finally change into my clothes, maybe today I'll hangout with someone or work in my lab. 

I leave my room and start walking to the doors of the dormitories when I hear some loud chatter behind me, the voices sound familiar but muffled. I stand there trying to figure out who it is when one of them says something painfully obvious "Hey Bitch tits!" Miu. Who else could it be? I turn around and see Miu running towards me and Kokichi following behind her "Miu! I've already said it twice! don't call me that!" I try explaining to her once again. Miu as normal goes back to her sensitive personality "eee! I-I'm sorry!! I won't do it again I promise!" she pleads, Kokichi catches up to her and says "wow, you stole my nickname for you and gave it to plain Jane over there?" Kokichi says jokingly while they put his hands behind their head "you're so dumb! you can't even makeup your own nicknames!" Kokichi says poking Miu "It's not my fault you lying twat! Making up nicknames is hard and I need to reserve my brain Juice for my AMAZING inventions!" She says reverting back to her normal personality 

I interrupt their usual argument "why did you come over to me? did you need something?" I say asking them both, they stop arguing with each other  "wellll.... we need some costumes." Miu says to me. That's surprising, what could they need those for "what do you need those for?" I ask "I have an Invention expo coming up and I want a super cool flashy costume!" she says "but why does Kokichi need one?" I ask "This little bitch is gonna be my assistant! so naturally dice needs to look half as good as me" She says praising herself "well I could certainly make those for you, but we'd need to go into town, I'm almost out of fabric" I say "its been forever since I went into the city! maybe I can check up on my evil organization while we're there!" Kokichi says excitedly, we all agree to go into city and start leaving immediately.

Miu, Kokichi and I are walking the streets of the city and Miu will not stop pointing out fun shops to visit. I remind her that we're here for fabric. We walk for another few Minutes and finally arrive at my go to fabric shop. "what kind of costume we're you looking for Miu?" I ask, she hands me a piece of paper with a drawing on it. I look closely at the drawing and it seems to be a diagram of a costume labelled in various spots, It looks very Industrial. The drawing consists of a pair of black gloves with light blue palms, a hot pink mechanical jumpsuit, black leg garters, a pig pink bow with black lining, a black off-to-the-side fanny pack and a white T-shirt in addition to a pair of googles with heart lenses. this doesn't seem like a bad outfit, I'm a little impressed. "Kokichi do you have a drawing?" I ask dice which causes him to reach into their pocket and give me a crumpled piece of paper. I open the paper and see a sketch that consists of a black cape, a white suit with an under vest and a top coat, a pair of black gloves and a blacktop hat with a checkered ribbon. "I think I know what to do, wait here for a little bit" I tell when as I go retrieve the fabric


Tsumugi gets and pays for all the fabric then leaves


"there goes 21 thousand yen... I'll just get more sponsors for my next con." I say "Hey! you got sponsors too? I wonder if we could collab so I can get more fuckin money!" Miu basically yells at me "I don't think any sponsors would want an inventor and a cosplayer..." I say  "hey guys! Look over there!!!" Kokichi says frantically pointing to a billboard. I look over to the billboard and its Kaede! the billboard is something about her being a world famous pianist and her next concert "woah! no way, she got a whole billboard!" I say looking at it excitedly "WHAT? NO FAIR!" Miu yells "UGH! and she looks damn hot too!" she says pouting and crossing her arms like a child. Kokichi begins laughing out loud about this and continues to make fun of her for a couple of minutes before I recommend that we take a small walk through the city before heading back to the academy, they both agree. 

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