Chapter 21

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I watched as Michael's eyes follow me as I continued pacing back and forth in the tight compacted room.

I would tripped if it weren't for the fact that Michael had folded his legs so that his arms could lay on top of them. We were unsure of how long it had been but neither of us had dared to talk. We didn't want to. The silence that had fallen of us was borderline past the point of awkward to uncomfortable. I had been crying a bit in the dark but my tears had dried and now I was stuck to just pacing.

I had tried to talk once but the look Michael gave me was enough to keep me quiet for the rest of the time.

"Soph?" Michael asked. I stopped in my movements and looked at him.

"What do you want?" I asked, my tone was a lot harsher than I was expecting.

"Can we talk?" Michael asked, his voice was soft. He was trying to calm me down. I had called him multiple times when I would act like this and he knew how to calm me down every time.

"Why should we Michael? You haven't had a proper conversation with me in three days. You're just going to make us talk about it and not act on it after," I said tiredly. I was just tired of going back and forth on what Michael wanted.

He only cared about leading me on and seeing how far I was willing to bend before I'd snap back and tell him no.

Michael's face flashed a look of hurt before his calm composure regained.

"Soph, how many times do I have to tell you that I like you? I've told you twice already and now I'm going to tell you a third time but you will still tell me no," Michael said softly.

"You don't like me. Stop lying. You know I like you and you're just leading me on for the two months I'm here and then you'll forget about me after. Trust me, Michael, I know how it works," I sighed.

I feel like I just admitted my biggest fear to Michael subconsciously, being forgotten.

I was getting tired of this constant arguing and I just wanted to take a break from everyone and everything. At this point I'd rather be at Halen's house and getting drunk at three a.m.

"Sophia Grace Rose, how the fuck do you think I could ever forget about you? You're my best friend. I could never forget about you," Michael said, he stood up from where he was and pulled me into a hug which I willingly complied to.

"Everyone forgets about me," I sighed.

"I could never forget you," Michael said smiling sheepishly.

"So, we're just best friends?" I asked.

"I don't want to be."

"Then why haven't you done anything about it, Michael?" I asked and Michael sighed.

I didn't want to hear what he was going to say because I knew he'd say something I'd hate to hear.

"I have and you push me away," Michael whispered and I looked up at him with wide eyes.

"I've flirted with you and asked you multiple times to be my girlfriend through text, although it was partially jokingly. I kissed you a few days ago. I tried to kiss you again. You still reject me Soph, what do you want from me?" Michael asked, he had ended his sentence sadly and I wanted nothing more than to never see him sad again.

"Michael, shut up. You know I like you," I sighed.

"Really? Prove it," Michael said. He had a smug smile on his face and his arms were crossed in front of his chest in a challenging manor.

I glared at him but the smirk didn't leave.

"How can I prove it?" I asked shyly, he was going to make me do something stupid.

"I have an idea," he said lowly.

He started walking forwards, making me go backwards. My back hit the wall and his arms made their way around my waist as I looked up at him with wide eyes.

"Can I?" he asked, he leaned forward to where his breath was just faintly hitting my lips. I didn't say anything as I swallowed my pride and nodded my head slowly.

Michael's lips pressed against mine roughly and I gripped onto his hair as his tongue entered my mouth.

There was nothing sweet about the kiss as our teeth clash and he bit at my lip and I pulled on his hair. It was passionate and beautiful and destructive.

Michael picked me up and he set me down on one of the empty shelve spaces and he pushed me harder into the wall. He tugged on my bottom lip with his teeth and I let out a whimper. I wasn't surprised to say the least that something like this would've happened.

My hands started running up and down his torso as his started creeping lower down my back and I allowed it to happen. I really did like Michael. We were too focused making out that we didn't notice Luke was opening the door.

"Are you guys okay? We heard arguing but it's quiet now- holy shit Calum. They're practically fucking!" Luke exclaimed and I wanted nothing more to punch him in the face.

Michael pulled away from me and adjusted his shirt, that I had slowly been lifting up and he looked at Luke, Calum and Ashton who were looking at us with smug expressions on their faces. I really hated my life sometimes.

They all had smirks on their face and I never realized until now on how much I hated my best friend's friends.

"So, Michael, Sophie, I see you guys made up," Ashton said smugly.

My direction of gaze fell to the ground and I felt my face heat up. I wasn't going to look at any of them because I knew my face would be an unflattering bright red if I did.

"Oh my god, they're both blushing," Luke cooed and I saw him reach forward from the corner of my eye and pinch Michael's cheek. A loud slap was heard around the room.

"Dammit, remind me to never pinch your cheeks again," Luke sighed and I let out a small giggle.

"So, are you guys like a thing now?" Luke asked looking between Michael and I.

Michael was still blushing and I smiled slightly.

"I don't know," Michael said and I nodded my head in agreement, "We're just kind of together."

"I don't mean to interrupt or anything but I'm getting claustrophobic and we also left a fire unattended outside. I suggest we leave," Calum said, they had stood in the room in silence for a few seconds before everyone agreed to leave.

As they were leaving the room, Michael slowly reached out and I felt him grab onto my hand softly. He pressed a slight kiss to my temple as we made our way outside.

Together, I liked that.


Oh hey I update. I hope you all enjoyed the practically sex scene (this was so awkward to write in class oh my god). Check out my stories Hopeless (a Michael one), Come With Me (a Calum one) and 48 Hours (a Lashton one). I love you all and thank you for the support. Xx


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