bonus chapter - second place

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This was second place by lolyournotmichael and I had the pleasure of becoming her friend. I actually cried reading this okay.


Dear Sophie,

if you are reading this then it means I've passed away, me being past Michael, I don't know what stupid thing I did or if it was natural so either way I'm sorry. However if this is not Sophie that means Sophie has died before me and immediately I am crying at the thought because without her my world doesn't exist. She is the reason I am still breathing and I don't think I could ever live without her. I don't even want to think about waking up and not seeing your face Sophie, I don't think you understand how much my heart aches everytime I leave the house without you even if it's just to go to the shop to get something as simple as bread. I can't be separate from you because my chest aches and I feel... unfamiliar with everything. I love you with all the power I have and I hope you love me too - I've never been good at saying words so here have some written...
Sophie, when I first laid eyes on you in real life I saw a slight glimmer in your eye and immediately I couldn't control my tears and they were streaming down my face because even though I didn't realise it then I was hopelessly in love with you.. seeing you in real life with out a screen separating us was so overwhelming I stood there crying like a little bitch (but you cried too so it's okay) and I pray to God that I have passed away after the kids have moved out because I don't think I could deal with the pain of having them see you sad... if you are crying right now then stop. I always hated seeing you crying and it's probably worse for me now because I can't be there to hug you and wipe your tears but promise me that you will stop crying now ... if it helps write back to this letter. please I beg of you just stop crying because right now past Michael is crying thinking about you crying. I'm hoping you find this soon after I'm gone, I hid it under the kitchen sink so it's really awkward if you are reading this before I'm dead. if you are stop because that's not how this letter is supposed to work :( anyway here are somethings I'm sorry for being a dick about Cal when you first came to Australia, I'm sorry for being a dick in general, I'm sorry for every single argument we have ever had, I'm sorry for jacking off whilst you were asleep after just having Carson but I was horny and you were in pain and tired so I had to sort myself out - I mean a guys gotta do what a guys gotta do. again I'm sorry for being a dick because I manage to do it a lot. I love you. I love you so fucking much. like I didn't think this feeling was possible this overtaking feeling of shivers and shakes but in a good way, I didn't know my hands could sweat this much when I look at your face and I didn't know that I could see you in everything I see. in the flowers that grow by the gas station - the light orange almost yellow ones. I didn't know I could see you in the moon the ways it's radiant beam forms your face in my head. I didn't know that I could love someone this much but I do. I am so fucking thankful that I do. I love you Sophie and I always will even when my mind is clouded by darkness for eternity. that's why I wrote this because I will love you until this world turns to dust in fact I will love you passed that - I will love you forever. my love for you makes me ache but I would never change it. ever. I wouldn't change anything for the world. so well done teenage me for sending you a Twitter DM at 3 in the morning. thank you for loving me. goodbye Sophie

love always

Michael. xo


okay but this was really cute and I cried and go show Lily some love.

I also wanted to mention that I created a Twitter and it's the same as my Wattpad user and I'll be interacting with you guys on it and yeah. Go follow it pls :-)

I can't believe this story is at 751k omg what I love you guys so much omg. Anyways that's all I'm gonna say because this is about Lily and her beautiful chapter and I love her lots okay. xx


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