Chapter 9

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A 19 hour flight, 17 sleepless hours, and three crying babies later I had finally landed in Australia. The only way the moms had been able to shut their child's yap was by singing 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' repeatedly. If I ever heard that song again I'd snap someone's neck in half. I'm never having children.

Jet-lag was killing me and I was going to collapse. It was 2:58 pm and a whole 16 hours ahead from Michigan. I was going to punch someone if they got on my nerves.

I don't do well on lack of sleep.

I grabbed my carry-on from underneath the seat and was slowly trying to convince myself to not be nervous meeting Michael.

I got off the plane and quickly started looking for the nearest bathroom. I walked in and went straight to the mirror. I looked terrible. The bags under my eyes were very noticeable and my hair was all over the place.

I brushed out my hair with my fingers and put on enough makeup to not look like one of the walking dead. I was so nervous.

My phone started blasting 'Alone Together' by Fall Out Boy and I knew it was Michael. We had designated ringtones for each other.

"What do you want, loser?" I asked.

"Has your plane landed yet?" Michael asked.

"No, I'm talking on my cellphone in the plane right now," I said monotonously.

"But that's illegal Sophie!" Michael exclaimed, "I don't want a plane to crash because of you!"

"You're such a dumbass," I mumbled, "I'm in one of the bathrooms. I'll be at baggage claim soon."

"Ok, but small detail; we have a bit of a crowd. About ten or so fans showed up," Michael said.

"You better have them in a line recording us meeting or I'm getting on the plane and flying back to Michigan," I said and Michael laughed.

"No, don't leave! They've got their cameras and phones ready to go," Michael said still chuckling.

"Well I better go or I'll never get to baggage claim, I'll see you in a minute or two," I said smiling.

"Oh my god; I'm going to pee myself," Michael said.

"Please don't. I don't need to have that smell in the car," I said scrunching up my nose.

"Fine, fine, I won't pee myself. I'll see you boo," he cooed.

"K, bye boo," I cooed back.

"You and your boyfriend are so cute," I heard a voice coo behind me.

I turned around to see the female janitor that was cleaning the bathroom.

"I didn't mean to pry but you guys were so cute talking on the phone and I kind of accidentally listened in while you guys were talking," she continued.

"Oh no, he's not my boyfriend," I blushed.

"Oh well, he's a lucky guy and I'm sure you both would be adorable together," she said.

"Thank you," I said smiling at her, "Have a good rest of your day!"

I grabbed my bag and left the bathroom feeling slightly better about meeting Michael. I was determined to do it.

I looked around and felt lost. I had never been out of the country; much less in an airport. I followed the signs that said "baggage claim" and hoped I was going the right way.

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